[OpenCV] Samples 02: Mat - 图像矩阵
/* implement */
操作Mat元素时:I.at<double>(1,1) = CV_PI;
/* * * cvout_sample just demonstrates the serial out capabilities of cv::Mat * That is, cv::Mat M(...); cout << M; Now works. * */ #include "opencv2/core/core.hpp" #include <iostream> using namespace std; using namespace cv; static void help() { cout << "\n------------------------------------------------------------------\n" << " This program shows the serial out capabilities of cv::Mat\n" << "That is, cv::Mat M(...); cout << M; Now works.\n" << "Output can be formated to OpenCV, matlab, python, numpy, csv and \n" << "C styles Usage:\n" << "./cvout_sample\n" << "------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n" << endl; } int main(int argc, char** argv) { cv::CommandLineParser parser(argc, argv, "{help h||}"); if (parser.has("help")) { help(); return 0; } /**************************************************************************/ // Jeff --> Define Diagnal Mat. Mat I = Mat::eye(4, 4, CV_64F); I.at<double>(1,1) = CV_PI; cout << "I = \n" << I << ";" << endl << endl; /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ Mat r = Mat(10, 3, CV_8UC3); randu(r, Scalar::all(0), Scalar::all(255)); // Jeff --> Matrix Format transform. cout << "r (default) = \n" << r << ";" << endl << endl; cout << "r (matlab) = \n" << format(r, Formatter::FMT_MATLAB) << ";" << endl << endl; cout << "r (python) = \n" << format(r, Formatter::FMT_PYTHON) << ";" << endl << endl; cout << "r (numpy) = \n" << format(r, Formatter::FMT_NUMPY) << ";" << endl << endl; cout << "r (csv) = \n" << format(r, Formatter::FMT_CSV) << ";" << endl << endl; cout << "r (c) = \n" << format(r, Formatter::FMT_C) << ";" << endl << endl; /**************************************************************************/ Point2f p(5, 1); cout << "p = " << p << ";" << endl; /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ Point3f p3f(2, 6, 7); cout << "p3f = " << p3f << ";" << endl; /**************************************************************************/ // Jeff --> vector. vector<float> v; v.push_back(1.1); v.push_back(2.2); v.push_back(3.3); cout << "shortvec = " << Mat(v) << endl; /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ vector<Point2f> points(20); for (size_t i = 0; i < points.size(); ++i) points[i] = Point2f((float)(i * 5), (float)(i % 7)); cout << "points = " << points << ";" << endl; return 0; }
Result: Matrix Format for不同的工具。
r (default) = [ 91, 2, 79, 179, 52, 205, 236, 8, 181; 239, 26, 248, 207, 218, 45, 183, 158, 101; 102, 18, 118, 68, 210, 139, 198, 207, 211; 181, 162, 197, 191, 196, 40, 7, 243, 230; 45, 6, 48, 173, 242, 125, 175, 90, 63; 90, 22, 112, 221, 167, 224, 113, 208, 123; 214, 35, 229, 6, 143, 138, 98, 81, 118; 187, 167, 140, 218, 178, 23, 43, 133, 154; 150, 76, 101, 8, 38, 238, 84, 47, 7; 117, 246, 163, 237, 69, 129, 60, 101, 41]; r (matlab) = (:, :, 1) = 91, 179, 236; 239, 207, 183; 102, 68, 198; 181, 191, 7; 45, 173, 175; 90, 221, 113; 214, 6, 98; 187, 218, 43; 150, 8, 84; 117, 237, 60 (:, :, 2) = 2, 52, 8; 26, 218, 158; 18, 210, 207; 162, 196, 243; 6, 242, 90; 22, 167, 208; 35, 143, 81; 167, 178, 133; 76, 38, 47; 246, 69, 101 (:, :, 3) = 79, 205, 181; 248, 45, 101; 118, 139, 211; 197, 40, 230; 48, 125, 63; 112, 224, 123; 229, 138, 118; 140, 23, 154; 101, 238, 7; 163, 129, 41; r (python) = [[[ 91, 2, 79], [179, 52, 205], [236, 8, 181]], [[239, 26, 248], [207, 218, 45], [183, 158, 101]], [[102, 18, 118], [ 68, 210, 139], [198, 207, 211]], [[181, 162, 197], [191, 196, 40], [ 7, 243, 230]], [[ 45, 6, 48], [173, 242, 125], [175, 90, 63]], [[ 90, 22, 112], [221, 167, 224], [113, 208, 123]], [[214, 35, 229], [ 6, 143, 138], [ 98, 81, 118]], [[187, 167, 140], [218, 178, 23], [ 43, 133, 154]], [[150, 76, 101], [ 8, 38, 238], [ 84, 47, 7]], [[117, 246, 163], [237, 69, 129], [ 60, 101, 41]]]; r (numpy) = array([[[ 91, 2, 79], [179, 52, 205], [236, 8, 181]], [[239, 26, 248], [207, 218, 45], [183, 158, 101]], [[102, 18, 118], [ 68, 210, 139], [198, 207, 211]], [[181, 162, 197], [191, 196, 40], [ 7, 243, 230]], [[ 45, 6, 48], [173, 242, 125], [175, 90, 63]], [[ 90, 22, 112], [221, 167, 224], [113, 208, 123]], [[214, 35, 229], [ 6, 143, 138], [ 98, 81, 118]], [[187, 167, 140], [218, 178, 23], [ 43, 133, 154]], [[150, 76, 101], [ 8, 38, 238], [ 84, 47, 7]], [[117, 246, 163], [237, 69, 129], [ 60, 101, 41]]], dtype='uint8'); r (csv) = 91, 2, 79, 179, 52, 205, 236, 8, 181 239, 26, 248, 207, 218, 45, 183, 158, 101 102, 18, 118, 68, 210, 139, 198, 207, 211 181, 162, 197, 191, 196, 40, 7, 243, 230 45, 6, 48, 173, 242, 125, 175, 90, 63 90, 22, 112, 221, 167, 224, 113, 208, 123 214, 35, 229, 6, 143, 138, 98, 81, 118 187, 167, 140, 218, 178, 23, 43, 133, 154 150, 76, 101, 8, 38, 238, 84, 47, 7 117, 246, 163, 237, 69, 129, 60, 101, 41 ; r (c) = { 91, 2, 79, 179, 52, 205, 236, 8, 181, 239, 26, 248, 207, 218, 45, 183, 158, 101, 102, 18, 118, 68, 210, 139, 198, 207, 211, 181, 162, 197, 191, 196, 40, 7, 243, 230, 45, 6, 48, 173, 242, 125, 175, 90, 63, 90, 22, 112, 221, 167, 224, 113, 208, 123, 214, 35, 229, 6, 143, 138, 98, 81, 118, 187, 167, 140, 218, 178, 23, 43, 133, 154, 150, 76, 101, 8, 38, 238, 84, 47, 7, 117, 246, 163, 237, 69, 129, 60, 101, 41};