当我们在 windows 的记事本里新建一个文件,输入"联通"两个字之后,保存,关闭,然后再次打开,会发现这两个字已经消失了,代之的是几个乱码!其实这是因为GB2312编码与UTF8编码产生了编码冲撞的原因。
当你新建一个文本文件时,记事本的编码默认是ANSI, 如果你在ANSI的编码输入汉字,那么他实际就是GB系列的编码方式,在这种编码下,"联通"的内码是:
c1 1100 0001
aa 1010 1010
cd 1100 1101
a8 1010 1000
注意到了吗?第一二个字节、第三四个字节的起始部分的都是"110"和"10",正好与UTF8规则里的两字节模板是一致的,于是再次打开记事本时,记事本就误认为这是一个UTF8编码的文件,让我们把第一个字节的110和第二个字节的10去掉,我们就得到了"00001 101010",再把各位对齐,补上前导的0,就得到了"0000 0000 0110 1010",不好意思,这是UNICODE的006A,也就是小写的字母"j",而之后的两字节用UTF8解码之后是0368,这个字符什么也不是。这就是只有"联通"两个字的文件没有办法在记事本里正常显示的原因。
liantong_GB2312.txt: GB2312格式
liantong_UTF8_withBOM.txt: UTF8 with BOM格式
liantong_UTF8_withoutBOM.txt: UTF8 without BOM格式
Despite the simplicity of detecting UTF-8, Microsoft compilers and interpreters, and many pieces of software on Microsoft Windows such as Notepad will not correctly read UTF-8 text unless it has only ASCII characters or it starts with the BOM. These tools add a BOM when saving text as UTF-8. Google Docs adds a BOM when converting a Microsoft Word document to plain text file for download.
static void Main(string[] args) { byte[] ltBytes = ReadAsBinary(".\\liantong_GB2312.txt"); Console.Write("\"lian tong in GB2312\" bytes: "); PrintByteArray(ltBytes); Console.WriteLine(); Encoding gb2312 = Encoding.GetEncoding(936); string gbStr = gb2312.GetString(ltBytes); Console.WriteLine("\"GB2312 encoded\" string: {0}", gbStr); string utf8Str = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(ltBytes); Console.WriteLine("\"UTF8 endcoded\" string: {0}", utf8Str); byte[] ltUtf8BOMBytes = ReadAsBinary(".\\liantong_UTF8_withBOM.txt"); Console.Write("\"lian tong in UTF8 with BOM\" bytes: "); PrintByteArray(ltUtf8BOMBytes); Console.WriteLine(); string utf8BOMStr = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(ltUtf8BOMBytes); Console.WriteLine("\"UTF8 with BOM endcoded\" string: {0}", utf8BOMStr); utf8Str = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(ltUtf8BOMBytes, 3, 6); Console.WriteLine("\"UTF8 with BOM removed endcoded\" string: {0}", utf8Str); byte[] ltUtf8noBOMBytes = ReadAsBinary(".\\liantong_UTF8_withoutBOM.txt"); Console.Write("\"lian tong in UTF8 withOUT BOM\" bytes: "); PrintByteArray(ltUtf8noBOMBytes); Console.WriteLine(); string utf8noBOMStr = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(ltUtf8noBOMBytes); Console.WriteLine("\"UTF8 withOUT BOM endcoded\" string: {0}", utf8noBOMStr); } private static byte[] ReadAsBinary(string path) { FileStream fs = new FileStream(path, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Read); BinaryReader breader = new BinaryReader(fs); byte[] bytes = breader.ReadBytes(1024); return bytes; } private static void PrintByteArray(byte[] barray) { foreach (byte tb in barray) { Console.Write(tb + " "); } } }
The UTF-8 representation of the BOM is the byte sequence 0xEF,0xBB,0xBF,正好对应了239 187 191这3个byte。
posted @ 2015-11-23 14:05 Jenney Zhao 阅读(719) 评论(0) 推荐(0) 编辑