Ajax.NET Professional(R)


A quick guide how to start


Because I could not write a documentation I will show you here how to start:


Download the latest Ajax.NET Professional files from www.schwarz-interactive.de


Add a reference to the AjaxPro.2.dll (for the .NET 1.1 Framework use AjaxPro.dll)


Add following lines to your web.config:




Now, you have to mark your .NET methods with an AjaxMethod attribute:



To use the .NET method on the client-side JavaScript you have to register the methods, this will be done to register a complete class to Ajax.NET:


  • Code

If you start the web page two JavaScript includes are rendered to the HTML source.


To call a .NET method form the client-side JavaScript code you can use following syntax:




posted @ 2008-11-30 18:02  JefferSonXym  阅读(195)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报