xTree API


Abstract object with common functions and methods shared by WebFXTree and WebFXTreeItem. The two of those inherites from this object.


Abstract object - no instances of it should be created


Name Type Description
id Number Read only property that can be used to find the related HTMLElement. It can also be used the other way around. If you know the id of the HTMLElement you can get the JS object by looking in the webFXTreeHandler.all collection.
text String The text label for the node.
action String The action (uri) associated with the node.
open Boolean Read only. Boolean property that tells if the node is expanded or collapsed (will always return false if there are no child nodes).
icon String Image file to use as icon. Uses default if not specified.
openIcon String Image file to use as the open icon (if child nodes only). Uses default if not specified.
parentNode Reference A reference to the parent node.
childNodes Array Collection of references to all child nodes.


Name Returns Description
add(oNode, [bNoIdent]) Reference Adds a tree item to the current item. This method takes two argument, the first is the WebFXTreeItem object to add and the second is an optional boolean value, that if specified and set to true will prevent the tree from executing the indent method automatically once the node has been added. This parameter has no effect on calls to the add method before the tree is rendered, but settings this flag when adding nodes after the tree has been rendered will greatly reduce the time needed to complete the operation, this can be quite useful while adding more than one node at a time, but requires that the indent method is manually executed on the top most node affected by the changes afterwards. Returns a reference to the added node.
indent() Void Redraws the traces between nodes and makes sure the tree is properly layed out.
toggle() Void Toggles the expand/collapse.
expand() Void Expands the tree item.
collapse() Void Collapses the tree item.
expandAll() Void Expands the tree item and all sub items recursively.
collapseAll() Void Collapses the tree root and all sub items recursively.
expandChildren() Void Expands all sub items recursively (same as executing expandAll and the collapse).
collapseChildren() Void Collapses all sub items recursively (same as executing collapseAll and the expand).
getNextSibling() Reference Returns a reference to the next sibling.
getPreviousSibling() Reference Returns a reference to the previous sibling.
toString() String Genereates the HTML string needed to render the tree item.


The WebFXTree object is used to create the actual tree root that can later be populated with tree items. All properties and methods from the WebFXTreeAbstractNode are inherited.


new WebFXTree([text], [action], [behavior])
Name Type Description
text String Optional. The text label for the tree root.
action String Optional. The action (uri) associated with the tree root.
behavior String Optional. Name of the behavior to use, check the setBehavior() method for details.
icon String Optional. Image to use as the icon.
openIcon String Optional. Image to use as the open icon.


Name Type Description
rendered Boolean Flag that indicates whatever or no the tree has been generated and rendered.


Name Returns Description
getSelected() Reference Returns the id of the selected object, if any.
setBehavior(sBehavior) Void Has to be specified before the tree is created and can be used to change the way the tree behaves, possible values are classic (default) and explorer. Check the usage page for more information about this.
getBehavior() String Returns the name of the behavior used.


Used to create tree items, can be added (uisng the add method) to a WebFXTree or to another WebFXTreeItem object. All properties and methods from the WebFXTreeAbstractNode are inherited.


new WebFXTreeItem([text], [action], [parent], [icon], [openIcon])
Name Type Description
text String Optional. The text label for the tree item.
action String Optional. The action (uri) associated with the tree item.
parent Reference Optional. Reference to an object to witch the node should be added.
icon String Optional. Image to use as the icon.
openIcon String Optional. Image to use as the open icon.


Name Type Description
None but the inherited ones


Name Returns Description
getFirst() Reference Returns a reference to the first child node, if any.
getLast() Reference Returns a reference to the last child node, if any.
posted @ 2010-07-20 22:42  .NET JAVA园  阅读(745)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报