关于Android studio Logcat显示不全,不显示自己需要打印的LOG数据


 1 if (responseInfo.result.length() > 4000) {
 2                     Log.v(TAG, "sb.length = " + responseInfo.result.length());
 3                     int chunkCount = responseInfo.result.length() / 4000;     // integer division
 4                     for (int i = 0; i <= chunkCount; i++) {
 5                         int max = 4000 * (i + 1);
 6                         if (max >= responseInfo.result.length()) {
 7                             Log.v(TAG, "chunk " + i + " of " + chunkCount + ":" + responseInfo.result.substring(4000 * i));
 8                         } else {
 9                             Log.v(TAG, "chunk " + i + " of " + chunkCount + ":" + responseInfo.result.substring(4000 * i, max));
10                         }
11                     }
12                 } else {
13                     Log.v(TAG, responseInfo.result.toString());
14                 }

如果你的项目中包含了libra项目,你需要手动选择到no filters,就能看到当前运行的工程的所有log信息了,如图:



posted @ 2016-02-29 15:29  jeci  阅读(13430)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报