Some of your uncommitted changes would be overwritten by syncing.Please commit your changes then try
解决方法有三种,在GitHub shel中输入以下命令,任选一种方法就能解决问题
git reset --hard HEAD
-- Destructive. When you do this you'll throw away everything you've done up to that point and be back at the last HEAD before you made any changes.
git commit
-- In the middle. With this you're committing your changes which will get rid of the error but if the changes aren't complete its probably superfluous.
git stash -u
-- My recommendation. With this you're able to "stash" or set aside the changes you've made up until this point. Then you can pull from a remote without interfering. Once you've done that you can run a
git stash pop
which will put back all of the changes you've made (without committing them).