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有关 Reliability(可靠性)的一点资料

Posted on 2006-11-16 11:40  Jackei  阅读(2345)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报

Reliability has to do with the quality of measurement. In its everyday sense, reliability is the "consistency" or "repeatability" of your measures. Before we can define reliability precisely we have to lay the groundwork. First, you have to learn about the foundation of reliability, the true score theory of measurement. Along with that, you need to understand the different types of measurement error because errors in measures play a key role in degrading reliability. With this foundation, you can consider the basic theory of reliability, including a precise definition of reliability. There you will find out that we cannot calculate reliability -- we can only estimate it. Because of this, there a variety of different types of reliability that each have multiple ways to estimate reliability for that type. In the end, it's important to integrate the idea of reliability with the other major criteria for the quality of measurement -- validity -- and develop an understanding of the relationships between reliability and validity in measurement.



MAJOR TOPICS AND HIGHLIGHTS covered in the Reliability Testing Course

  • Objectives: Types of Reliability Tests, and Scheduling and Management of Reliability Testing.
  • Reliability Data --- Their Acquisition and Processing.
  • Five Very Important and Fundamental Reliability Engineering Relationships and the Failure Rate Concept.
  • Distribution, Failure Rate, and Reliability Determination From Field Data.
  • Chi-Square, Student's-t and F Distributions.
  • The Exponential Distribution.
  • Confidence Limits on the Mean-Time Between-Failures and on the Reliability for the Exponential Distribution, and MTBF Determination if no Failures Occur. 
  • Operating Characteristic (OC) Curves.
  • Tests of Comparison of the Mean Life for the Exponential Case.
  • The Normal Distribution; Confidence Interval on the Mean Life of Normally Distributed Data; Life Range, Life Limit, and Lower One Sided Confidence Limits on the Reliability with Normally Distributed Data.
  • The Lognormal Distribution.
  • The Weibull Distribution and Methods of Determining its Parameters. 
  • Confidence Limits on the Reliability with Weibull Distributed Times to Failure.
  • Ranks Not Available in Tables.
  • Tests of Comparison for the Weibull Distribution.
  • The Gamma and Beta Distributions.
  • Methods of Parameter Estimation: Identification of Data Outliers; and the Least Squares, Matching Moments and Maximum Likelihood Methods of Distribution Parameters Estimation.
  • The Chi-Square, Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Anderson-Darling and Cramer - Von Mises Goodness-of-Fit Tests.


  • Reliability and Confidence Limits for One-Shot Items, and the Binomial Distribution.
  • Comparing Two Lots Through Binomial Testing.
  • Suspended-Items Testing, and Analysis of Field and Warranty Data.
  • Sudden-Death Testing.
  • Nonparametric Testing.
  • Accept-Reject Testing with Fixed Test Time and Failures.
  • Sequential Probability Ratio Tests (SPRT) for the Exponential Distribution. 
  • Sequential Test on the Scale Parameter for the Weibull Distribution.
  • Sequential Testing for the Binomial Distribution.
  • Accept-Reject Testing for the Binomial Case.
  • Bayesian Reliability Demonstration Testing.
  • Accelerated Life and Reliability Testing.
  • Test Duration and Sample Size Determination, and Their Optimization.
  • Numerous Practical Examples and Case Histories.