Accelerated C++ 学习笔记:Chapter2, Looping and counting

2.1, New concept:

  1.) while statement

  2.) while body

  3.) block

  4.) condition

  5.) inequality operator

  6.) bool

  7.) true

  8.) false

  9.) loop invariant

  10.) unsigned

  11.) if statement

  12.) equality

  13.) logical-or

  14.) precedence

  15.) short-circuit evaluation

  16.) logical-and

  17.) compound-assignment

  18.) using-declaration

  19.) off-the-end value

  20.) half-open range

  21.) for statement 

  22.) for header

  23.) for body

  24.) usual arithmetic conversions

2.2, Sample code:

 1 #include <iostream>
 2 #include <string>
 4 // say what standard-library names we use
 5 using std::cin;         using std::endl;
 6 using std::cout;        using std::string;
 8 int main()
 9 {
10     // ask for the person's name
11     cout << "Please enter your first name: ";
13     // read the name
14     string name;
15     cin >> name;
17     // build the message that we intend to write
18     const string greeting = "Hello, " + name + "!";
20     // the number of blanks surrounding the greeting
21     const int pad = 1;
23     // the number of rows and columns to write
24     const int rows = pad * 2 + 3;
25     const string::size_type cols = greeting.size() + pad * 2 + 2;
27     // write a blank line to separate the output from the input
28     cout << endl;
30     // write rows rows of output
31     // invariant: we have written r rows so far
32     for (int r = 0; r != rows; ++r) {
34         string::size_type c = 0;
36         // invariant: we have written c characters so far in the current row
37         while (c != cols) {
39             // is it time to write the greeting?
40             if (r == pad + 1 && c == pad + 1) {
41                 cout << greeting;
42                 c += greeting.size();
43             } else {
45                 // are we on the border?
46                 if (r == 0 || r == rows - 1 ||
47                     c == 0 || c == cols - 1)
48                     cout << "*";
49                 else
50                     cout << " ";
51                 ++c;
52             }
53         }
55         cout << endl;
56     }
58     return 0;
59 }

2.3, Important notes:

  1.) In line of 25, we use conststring::size_type cols 

    Whenever we need a local variable to contain the size of a string, we should use std::string::size_type as the type of that variable.


    The reason that we have given cols a type of std::string::size_type is to ensure that cols is capable of containing the number of characters in greeting, no matter how large that number might be.

    Accordingly, std::string::size_type is an unsigned type-objects of that type are incapable of containing negative values.

  2.) If a program finds that the left operand of || is true, it does not evaluate the right operand at all. This property is often called short-circuit evaluation.

  3.) C++ programs can extend the core language by defining what it means to apply built-in operators to objects of class type. 

  4.) Most of the operators are left-associative, although the assignment operators and the operators taking a single argument are right-associative.

  5.) We've ordered them by precedence from highest to lowest:

  • x.y      The member y of object x 
  • x[y]      The element in object x indexed by y
  • x++      Increments x, returning the original value of x 
  • x--      Decrements x, returning the original value of x
  • ================================================================
  • ++x      Increments x, returning the incremented value
  • --x      Decrements x, returning the decremented value
  • !x      Logical negation. If x is true then !x is false.
  • ================================================================
  • x * y     Product of x and y
  • x / y     Quotient of x and y. If both operands are integers, the implementation chooses whether to round toward zero or - ∞
  • x % y    Remainder of x divided by y, equivalent to x - ((x / y) * y)
  • ================================================================
  • x + y    Sum of x and y
  • x - y    Result of subtracting y from x
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  • x >> y    For integral x and y, x shifted right by y bits; y must be non-negative.If x is an istream, reads from x into y
  • x << y    For integral x and y, x shifted left by y bits; y must be non-negative.If x is an ostream, writes y onto x.
  • ================================================================
  • x relop y    Relational operators yield a bool indicating the truth of the relation.The operators (<, >, <=, and >=) have their obvious meanings.
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  • x == y    Yields a bool indicating whether x equals y
  • x != y    Yields a bool indicating whether x is not equal to y
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  • x && y    Yields a bool indicating whether both x and y are true.Evaluates y only if x is true.
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  • x || y    Yields a bool indicating whether either x or y is true.Evaluates y only if x is false.
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  • x = y    Assign the value of y to x, yielding x as its result.
  • x op= y   Compound assignment operators; equivalent to x = x op y,where op is an arithmetic or shift operator.
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  • x ? y1 : y2   Yields y1 if x is true; y2 otherwise.Evaluates only one of y1 and y2.
  • ================================================================

   6.) size_t:  Unsigned integral type (from <cstddef>) that can hold any object's size.

   7.) Statements:

    using namespace-name::name;    Defines name as a synonym for namespace-name::name. 

    type-name name;  Defines name with type type-name. 

    type-name name = value;  Defines name with type type-name initialized as a copy of value. 

    type-name name(args);  Defines name with type type-name constructed as appropriate for the given arguments in args. 

    expression;  Executes expression for its side effects. 

    { statement(s) }  Called a block. Executes the sequence of zero or more statement(s) in order. May be used wherever a statement is expected. Variables defined inside the braces have scope limited to the block.

    while (condition) statement  If condition is false, do nothing; otherwise, execute statement and then repeat the entire while. 

    for(init-statement condition; expression) statement Equivalent to { init-statement while (condition) {statement expression; } }. 

    if (condition) statement  Executes statement if condition is true. 

    if (condition) statement else statement2  Executes statement if condition is true, otherwise executes statement2. Each else is associated with the nearest matching if. 

    return val;  Exits the function and returns val to its caller.


posted @ 2013-04-14 11:23  instruments  阅读(163)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报