


File template variables

A file template can contain variables, which are replaced by their values when the template is applied. A variable is a string that starts with a dollar sign $ followed by the variable name. The variable name may optionally be enclosed in curly braces. For example: $MyVariable and ${MyVariable} are different notations of the same variable.



Predefined template variables

The following predefined variables can be used in file templates:

Variable Description
${DATE} Current system date
${DAY} Current day of the month
${DS} Dollar sign $. This variable is used to escape the dollar character, so that it is not treated as a prefix of a template variable.
${FILE_NAME} Name of the new file
${HOUR} Current hour
${MINUTE} Current minute
${MONTH} Current month
${MONTH_NAME_FULL} Full name of the current month(January, February, and so on)
${MONTH_NAME_SHORT} First three letters of the current month name(Jan, Feb, and so on)
${NAME} Name of the new entity(file, class, interface, and so on)
${ORGANIZATION_NAME} Name of your organization specified in the project settings(Ctrl+Shift+Alt+S)
${PRODUCT_NAME} Name of the IDE(for example, PyCharm)
${PROJECT_NAME} Name of the current project
${TIME} Current system time
${USER} Login name of the current user
${YEAR} Current year



变量 描述
${DATE} 当前系统日期
${DAY} 某个月的当前日
${DS} Dollar符$。这个变量用来转义dollar字符,这样它就不会被视为模板变量的前缀
${FILE_NAME} 新文件的名称
${HOUR} 当前小时
${MINUTE} 当前分钟
${MONTH} 当前月份
${MONTH_NAME_FULL} 当前月份的全称(January, February, 依此类推)
${MONTH_NAME_SHORT} 当前月份名称的头三个字母(Jan, Feb, 依此类推)
${NAME} 新实体的名称(文档,类,界面,依此类推)
${ORGANIZATION_NAME} 在项目设定中指定的单位名称(Ctrl+Shift+Alt+S)
${PRODUCT_NAME} IDE名称(如:PyCharm)
${PROJECT_NAME} 当前的项目名
${TIME} 当前系统时间
${USER} 当前用户的登录名
${YEAR} 当前年份

Custom template variables

Besides predefined template variables, it is possible to specify custom variables. If necessary, you can define the values of custom variables right in the template using the #set directive.

For example, if you want to use your full name instead of your login name defined through the predefined variable ${USER}, use the following construct:

#set( $MyName = "John Smith" )

If the value of a variable is not defined in the template, PyCharm will ask you to specify it when the template is applied.




#set( $MyName = "John Smith" )





posted @ 2019-09-01 22:33  InfiniteCodes  阅读(717)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报