
2012年GitHub加星最多的JavaScript 库(Top 12)

The year of apocalypse is about to finish. Nothing happened. It was a good year for JavaScript, though. Many amazing projects were started this year. In this post we will go through a collection of the most popular ones based on their GitHub starrings.


All these libraries are different, but notable on their own. The true leader of list is Meteor. They received over 6500 stars on GitHub and over $11 Million investment from Andreessen Horowitz. That makes Meteor the promising project in upcoming 2013. Or maybe a most overestimated one? What do you think?


Most of the projects picked on our list focus on UI improvements. Examples of these include alerts and notifiers. One curious case is Yeoman. It aims to make JavaScript development by wrapping together various tools and enables developers to generate a scaffolding for their own projects.




Meteor is an open-source platform for building top-quality web apps in a fraction of the time, whether you’re an expert developer or just getting started.

Meteor是一个短时间内构建高质量的web apps的一个开源平台,无论你是专业开发人员或才刚刚开始。




Select2 is a jQuery based replacement for select boxes. It supports searching, remote data sets, and infinite scrolling of results. Look and feel of Select2 is based on the excellent Chosen library.

Select2是一个基于jQuery的替代下拉框插件。它支持搜索,远程的数据集,无限滚动的结果。Select2的外观和感觉是基于优秀的 Chosen库的。




Hammer.js is a javascript library that can be used to control gestures on touch devices. It supports the following gestures: Tap Double tap Hold Drag Swipe Transform (pinch)

Hammer.js是一个可用于控制触摸屏设备上手势的JavaScript库,它支持以下手势:Tap(单击)、Double tap (双击)、Hold(按住)、 Drag(拖动)、 Swipe(滑动)、Transform (pinch) 变换(捏)。




Turn.js is a JavaScript library that will make your content look like a real book or magazine using all the advantages of HTML5. The web is getting beautiful with new user interfaces based in HTML5; turn.js is the best fit for a magazine, book or catalog based in HTML5.





Mousetrap is a simple library for handling keyboard shortcuts in Javascript. It is around 1.7kb minified and gzipped and 3kb minified, has no external dependencies, and has been tested in the following browsers: Internet Explorer 6+ Safari Firefox Chrome It has support for keypress, keydown, and keyup events on specific keys, keyboard combinations, or key sequences.

Mousetrap是一个简单的用于处理在Javascript中的键盘快捷键的库。压缩和gzip后约1.7kb缩小的,压缩后Yuesai3KB,没有外部的依赖,已经通过测试以下浏览器:Internet Explorer 6+、Safari浏览器、火狐浏览器、Chrome,它支持keypress,keydown,和keyup事件上的特定按键,键盘的组合,或按键序列。



A small library for manipulating the favicon Tinycon allows the addition of alert bubbles and changing the favicon image. Tinycon gracefully falls back to a number in title approach for browsers that don’t support canvas or dynamic favicons. Alerts in the favicon allow users to pin a tab and easily see if their attention is needed.

tinycon是允许操作类似提示气泡添加和改变的favicon图标插件。Tinycon优雅地提供不支持canvas或动态网页图标的一些浏览器标题栏上的方法 。 提示的图标,使用户能够固定再一个标签上,并很容易地看到,引起他们的注意力。




Yeoman (n) 1. A noble servant, carrying out various duties for the sovereign. Associated with hard toil. 2. Your new favorite web application stack and development tool.




noty is a jQuery plugin that makes it easy to create alert – success – error – warning – information – confirmation messages as an alternative the standard alert dialog. Each notification is added to a queue. (Optional)

noty是一个jQuery插件,可以很容易创建警报 – 成功 – 错误 – 警告 – 信息 – 确认消息,可以作为一种替代标准警报对话框。每个通知添加到队列。 (可选)




An unobtrusive customizable JavaScript notification system





Making good-looking graphs shouldn’t be hard. Morris.js is a lightweight library that uses jQuery and Raphaël to make drawing simple charts easy.





Metro UI CSS allows to create a Web site in the style of Windows 8 quickly and without distractions on routine tasks.

Metro UI CSS允许迅速创建一个Windows 8风格的Web站点。




Gridster is a jQuery plugin that allows building intuitive draggable layouts from elements spanning multiple columns. You can even dynamically add and remove elements from the grid. It is on par with sliced bread, or possibly better. MIT licensed. Suitable for children of all ages.


This was an awesome year for us web developers. Plenty of new technologies appeared and the pace doesn’t seem to be slowing down. On the contrary. This site, Jster, was launched back in October. We are the most complete catalog for JavaScript frontend development. In the next year we plan to evolve, go well beyond 1000JavaScript libraries in our catalog. Besides extending the catalog, we will improve the service continuously and make it serve your needs better. Happy New Post-Apocalyptic Year and Merry X-Mas!


posted @ 2013-02-21 14:51  疯狂秀才  阅读(3235)  评论(2编辑  收藏  举报