XMPP翻译:RFC 3920[7](Chapter9)

本篇翻译了XMPP核心协议RFC 3920的第九章。


XML Stanzas //XML节

    1. Common Attributes //共同的属性
    2. Basic Semantics //基本的语义
    3. Stanza Errors //节错误

在TLS协商后(假定希望TLS协商),如果需要SASL协商和资源绑定,可以通过流发送XML节。我们定义为'jabber:client' 和'jabber:server' 命名空间定义了三种类型的XMl节:<message/>、<presence/>、<iq/>。另外,这些节有五个通用的属性。这里定义了这些通用属性以及这些节类型的基本语义;[XMPP-IM]中提供有关(涉及到XMPP应用程序的)XML节的更多详细的信息。

9.1. 共同的属性


9.1.1.  to


在‘jabber:client’命名空间里,节应该(SHOULD)要持有一个‘to’属性,虽然从客户端发送到服务器,让服务器处理的节(例如,为了广播到其它实体而发送的presence)不应该(SHOULD NOT)有‘to’属性。



9.1.2.  from



  1. 确认客户端提供的‘from’属性值是已关联实体的已连接的资源
  2. add a 'from' address to the stanza whose value is the bare JID (<node@domain>) or the full JID (<node@domain/resource>) determined by the server for the connected resource that generated the stanza (see Determination of Addresses)


当服务器自身产生一个节发送到已连接的客户端(例如,服务器代表提供的数据存储服务的上下文中),该节必须(MUST)要么不包含‘from’属性,要么所包含的‘from’的属性值是the account's bare JID (<node@domain>) or client's full JID (node@domain/resource)。当节是由服务器自身产生的,服务器则禁止(MUST NOT)给客户端发送不带有‘from’属性的此类节。当客户端接收到不包含‘from’属性的节,它必须(MUST)假设该节是从它所连接的服务器发来的。


9.1.3.  id

可选的‘id’属性可以被发送实体用于内在的跟踪(internal tracking)它所发送和接收的节(尤其用于跟踪IQ节的内在语义中的请求/响应交互)。在一个域中或是一个流中,把‘id’属性值设为全球唯一也是可选的。IQ节的语义强加了额外的限制;参见IQ语义。

9.1.4.  type


9.1.5.  xml:lang

若节包含了XML字符数据,这数据是要呈现给用户的,那么这节应该(SHOULD)要有个‘xml:lang’属性(RFC 2277[CHARSET]中有说明,“为用户国际化”)。‘xml:lang’属性值定义了这些用户可读的XML字符数据的缺省语言,它可以(MAY)被特定子元素的‘xml:lang’属性值覆盖。倘若节没有‘xml:lang’属性,针对这个数据的实现(implementation)必须(MUST)假设缺省语言是流属性中定义的缺省语言(在前面的“流属性”中有详细说明)。‘xml:lang’属性值必须(MUST)是NMTOKEN,而且必须(MUST)符合RFC 3066[LANGTAGS]中的规定。


9.2.  基本的语义

9.2.1.  Message的语义

<message/>节类型可以看做事一个“push”机制,实体通过它将信息push给其它实体,这类似于发生在email系统中的通信。所有的message节应该(SHOULD)要有‘to’属性,用于指定message目标容器;在接收到这样一个节后,服务器应该(SHOULD)将其路由或递送到目标容器(参见Server Rules for Handling XML Stanzas for general routing and delivery rules related to XML stanzas)。

9.2.2.  Presence的语义

<presence/>元素可以看成是一个基础的广播或“publish-subscribe”机制,其它众多的实体通过此机制得到它们订阅的实体的信息(即,网络的可用性信息)。一般来说,发布者(实体)应该(SHOULD)发送一个不带‘to’属性的presence节,此时,与此实体连接的服务器应该(SHOULD)广播或多元化该节给所有的订阅者(实体)。然而发布者也可以(MAY)发送带有‘to’属性的节,此时,服务器则应该(SHOULD)路由或递送此节到目标容器。参见Server Rules for Handling XML Stanzas for general routing and delivery rules related to XML stanzas和[XMPP‑IM] for presence-specific rules in the context of an instant messaging and presence application。

9.2.3.  IQ的语义

Info/Query或IQ,使一个请求/响应机制 ,某些方面类似于HTTP。IQ的语义让实体能够向其它实体发送请求,以及从其它实体接收响应。请求/响应数据的内容定义在IQ节的一个直接子元素的命名空间声明里,请求实体通过使用‘id’属性跟踪这个请求/响应交互。因此,IQ节的交互遵循结构化数据交互的通用模式,像get/result或set/result(尽管也可能会返回适当的错误):

Requesting                 Responding
Entity                     Entity
----------                 ----------
|                           |
| <iq type='get' id='1'>    |
| ------------------------> |
|                           |
| <iq type='result' id='1'> |
| <------------------------ |
|                           |
| <iq type='set' id='2'>    |
| ------------------------> |
|                           |
| <iq type='error' id='2'>  |
| <------------------------ |
|                           |


  1. IQ节的‘id’ 属性是必需的(REQUIRED) 。
  2. IQ节的‘type’ 属性是必需的(REQUIRED)。其值必须(MUST)是以下之一:
    • get -- The stanza is a request for information or requirements.
    • set -- The stanza provides required data, sets new values, or replaces existing values.
    • result -- The stanza is a response to a successful get or set request.
    • error -- An error has occurred regarding processing or delivery of a previously-sent get or set (see Stanza Errors).
  3. 接收到‘type’为“get”或“set”的IQ节的实体必须(MUST)回复type为“result”或“error”的IQ响应(响应必须保持请求的‘ID’属性)。
  4. 接收到‘type’为“result”或“error”的IQ节的实体必须(MUST)回复type为“result”或“error”的更深一层次的IQ响应;然而,正如前面所说的,发送请求的实体可以(MAY)发送其它请求(例如,一个type为“set”的节,用来提供那些通过get/result对所发现的被需要的信息)。
  5. type为“get”或“set”的IQ节,必须(MUST)包含一个且仅有一个指定特定的request或response语义的子元素。
  6. type为“result”必须(MUST)是包含0/1个子元素。
  7. type为“error”应该(SHOULD)包含一个与“get”或“set”相关的节中的子元素,且必须(MUST)包含一个<error/>子元素; 详见Stanza Errors.


9.3.  节错误

节有关的错误(stanza-related errors)以类似于处理流错误的方式处理。可是,与流错误不同的是,节错误是可恢复的;因此节错误包含了与初始实体为了挽回错误而携带的动作(actions)相关的信息。

9.3.1.  规则

下列规则应用于stanza-related errors:

  • The receiving or processing entity that detects an error condition in relation to a stanza MUST return to the sending entity a stanza of the same kind (message, presence, or IQ), whose 'type' attribute is set to a value of "error" (such a stanza is called an "error stanza" herein).
  • The entity that generates an error stanza SHOULD include the original XML sent so that the sender can inspect and, if necessary, correct the XML before attempting to resend.
  • An error stanza MUST contain an <error/> child element.
  • An <error/> child MUST NOT be included if the 'type' attribute has a value other than "error" (or if there is no 'type' attribute).
  • An entity that receives an error stanza MUST NOT respond to the stanza with a further error stanza; this helps to prevent looping.

9.3.2.  语法


<stanza-kind to='sender' type='error'>
[RECOMMENDED to include sender XML here]
<error type='error-type'>
<defined-condition xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas'/>
<text xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas'
OPTIONAL descriptive text
[OPTIONAL application-specific condition element]



  • cancel -- 不要再尝试(the error is unrecoverable)
  • continue -- 继续进行 (the condition was only a warning)
  • modify -- 改变发送的数据后再试
  • auth -- 提供凭证后再试
  • wait -- 等待一段时间后在试(the error is temporary)


  • 必须包含一个 与下面定义的节错误情形之一相应的子元素;且该元素必须有‘urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas’命名空间限定。
  • 可以包含一个<text/>子元素,含有用于描述详细的错误信息的XML字符数据; 该元素必须(MUST)由‘urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas’命名空间限定修饰,且应该(SHOULD)要有一个‘xml:lang’属性。
  • 可以包含一个子元素用于application-specific的错误情形;该元素必须(MUST)由一个application-defined命名空间限定修饰,而且它的结构也由此命名空间定义。

<text/>元素是可选的。若是包含了,它应该仅用于提供描述性的或诊断性的信息,来补充定义的情形或application-specific 的情形的信息。应用程序不应该(SHOULD NOT)自动的解释它。它也不应该(SHOULD NOT)被用做呈现给用户的错误信息 ,但是可以指示除与已包括的元素相关的错误信息之外的信息。

最后,我了保持向后的兼容性,该模式(定义在[XMPP‑IM]中)允许在<error/>元素中包含一个可选的‘code’属性 。

9.3.3.  定义的情形


  • <bad-request/> -- the sender has sent XML that is malformed or that cannot be processed (e.g., an IQ stanza that includes an unrecognized value of the 'type' attribute); the associated error type SHOULD be "modify".
  • <conflict/> -- access cannot be granted because an existing resource or session exists with the same name or address; the associated error type SHOULD be "cancel".
  • <feature-not-implemented/> -- the feature requested is not implemented by the recipient or server and therefore cannot be processed; the associated error type SHOULD be "cancel".
  • <forbidden/> -- the requesting entity does not possess the required permissions to perform the action; the associated error type SHOULD be "auth".
  • <gone/> -- the recipient or server can no longer be contacted at this address (the error stanza MAY contain a new address in the XML character data of the <gone/> element); the associated error type SHOULD be "modify".
  • <internal-server-error/> -- the server could not process the stanza because of a misconfiguration or an otherwise-undefined internal server error; the associated error type SHOULD be "wait".
  • <item-not-found/> -- the addressed JID or item requested cannot be found; the associated error type SHOULD be "cancel".
  • <jid-malformed/> -- the sending entity has provided or communicated an XMPP address (e.g., a value of the 'to' attribute) or aspect thereof (e.g., a resource identifier) that does not adhere to the syntax defined in Addressing Scheme; the associated error type SHOULD be "modify".
  • <not-acceptable/> -- the recipient or server understands the request but is refusing to process it because it does not meet criteria defined by the recipient or server (e.g., a local policy regarding acceptable words in messages); the associated error type SHOULD be "modify".
  • <not-allowed/> -- the recipient or server does not allow any entity to perform the action; the associated error type SHOULD be "cancel".
  • <not-authorized/> -- the sender must provide proper credentials before being allowed to perform the action, or has provided improper credentials; the associated error type SHOULD be "auth".
  • <payment-required/> -- the requesting entity is not authorized to access the requested service because payment is required; the associated error type SHOULD be "auth".
  • <recipient-unavailable/> -- the intended recipient is temporarily unavailable; the associated error type SHOULD be "wait" (note: an application MUST NOT return this error if doing so would provide information about the intended recipient's network availability to an entity that is not authorized to know such information).
  • <redirect/> -- the recipient or server is redirecting requests for this information to another entity, usually temporarily (the error stanza SHOULD contain the alternate address, which MUST be a valid JID, in the XML character data of the <redirect/> element); the associated error type SHOULD be "modify".
  • <registration-required/> -- the requesting entity is not authorized to access the requested service because registration is required; the associated error type SHOULD be "auth".
  • <remote-server-not-found/> -- a remote server or service specified as part or all of the JID of the intended recipient does not exist; the associated error type SHOULD be "cancel".
  • <remote-server-timeout/> -- a remote server or service specified as part or all of the JID of the intended recipient (or required to fulfill a request) could not be contacted within a reasonable amount of time; the associated error type SHOULD be "wait".
  • <resource-constraint/> -- the server or recipient lacks the system resources necessary to service the request; the associated error type SHOULD be "wait".
  • <service-unavailable/> -- the server or recipient does not currently provide the requested service; the associated error type SHOULD be "cancel".
  • <subscription-required/> -- the requesting entity is not authorized to access the requested service because a subscription is required; the associated error type SHOULD be "auth".
  • <undefined-condition/> -- the error condition is not one of those defined by the other conditions in this list; any error type may be associated with this condition, and it SHOULD be used only in conjunction with an application-specific condition.
  • <unexpected-request/> -- the recipient or server understood the request but was not expecting it at this time (e.g., the request was out of order); the associated error type SHOULD be "wait".

9.3.4.  特定应用的情形


<iq type='error' id='some-id'>
<error type='modify'>
<bad-request xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas'/>
<too-many-parameters xmlns='application-ns'/>
<message type='error' id='another-id'>
<error type='modify'>
<text xml:lang='en'
Some special application diagnostic information...
<special-application-condition xmlns='application-ns'/>

XMPP翻译:RFC 3920[7]到此结束,请继续关注 XMPP翻译:RFC 3920[8]

posted on 2006-11-17 23:37  Hunts.C  阅读(1650)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报