#Hello World#Another blog, another life!

Another blog, another life. It just occured to me that for so long, I haven't really written any thing, anything at all of my own. I‘ve been in college for long enough to write something with depth. Only that I didn’t.

But just now, I opened this very new blog. Just that instant, I feel like really doing sth., having something done.

Like I might have implied, this is going on entirely in English, if not otherwise continental oriented.

Btw, here is a list of MOOCs that I really intend to follow in the coming couple of months.(I didn't really realized that I 've got all this much coming until I list it here...)

Introduction to Astronomy                             Dec 02, 2013 (12 weeks long)                            Duke
Exploring Particle World                                Jan 01, 2014 (6 weeks long)                               SJTU
Information Theory                                       Jan 06, 2014(15 weeks long)                             CUHK
Galaxies and Cosmology                               Jan 13, 2014(9 weeks long)                               Caltech
Effective Thinking                                         Jan 21, 2014(9 weeks long)                             UTAustin
An Introduction to Functional Analysis             Jan 27, 2014(8 weeks long)                                ECP
Statistical Mechanics                                    Feb 03, 2014(10 weeks long)                               ENS
Relativity and Astrophysics                            Feb 04, 2014(8 weeks long)                               Conell

And now a gentle test on $$\LaTeX$$

Let there be:$$\prod^{n-1}_{k=1}{sin(\frac{k\pi}{n})}=\frac{n}{2^{n-1}}.$$

Ok. So far, so good! Something is not right, still almost can't wait to start~


posted @ 2013-11-28 15:52  G。  阅读(157)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报