Client Copy时产生Cancelled

在做Client Copy时,从生产机300拷贝到测试机300时发生Cancelled,日志如下:
Last Action:          RFC DDIC System Comparison
Table/Object                   Component                Error
/SAPSLL/TBTCAR3                SD-FT                    Table Def. Missing Locally
/SAPSLL/TBTCMR3                SD-FT                    Table Def. Missing Locally
/SAPSLL/TBTCR3                 SD-FT                    Table Def. Missing Locally
/SAPSLL/TBTCUR3                SD-FT                    Table Def. Missing Locally
ALM_ME_C010PRF                 PM-WOC                   Field missing locally
ALM_ME_C011DEF                 PM-WOC                   Field missing locally
ALM_ME_C012DEF                 PM-WOC                   Field missing locally

说明表结构和表内字段有缺失,因此需要手工从生产机拷贝过来,利用表工具SE12可以查看表的结构,然后通过SE03可以将对象加入到传输请求中。SCU0可以做两个系统的全面比较,SCMP可以用来比较两个系统中表结构是否匹配。如果需要忽略在Client Copy中对表的校验,可以在SE38中选用程序RSCCEXPT中的NO_RFCCHK参数来排除表。

The SAP Web Application Server contains dedicated functions for comparing the Customizing settings of one client with another client or template client:

·Cross System Viewer: Compares complex Customizing environments. To call the Cross-System Viewer, choose Tools ® Accelerated SAP ® Customizing ® Customizing Cross-System Viewer (Transaction SCU0).

·To compare individual tables or views, use the comparison function in the standard table maintenance transaction (SM30) or the view/table comparison transaction for any number of tables (SCMP).

·Start the RSCCEXPT report (for example using transaction SE38 or SA38) in the target system of the client copy (if there is just one table only in the source system in a remote copy, this table must also be excluded from the source system prior to Release WAS 6.20). An exception list is displayed.

posted @ 2009-02-04 15:21  huggins  阅读(897)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报