Table of Contents - JAXB

Getting Started

  Hello World

  Hello World with Namespace

  xjc - 将 XML Schema 编译成 Java 类

  wsimport: 编译 WSDL 生成 JAX-WS 规范的 Java 类

Writing an XML Schema for JAXB

  Numeric Types

  Date and Time

  Binary Data

  Defining an Enumeration

  Defining Types for XML Elements Without Content

  Defining Types for XML Elements With Content

  Defining Subtypes

Unmarshalling and Using the Data



  The JAXB Context

Building and Marshalling an XML Document

  The Object Factory

  Calling marshal

JAXB Annotations

  Top-level Elements: XmlRootElement

  Annotation for Classes: XmlType

  Annotations for the Schema: XmlSchema

  The Object Factory: XmlRegistry, XmlElementDecl

  Controlling Element Selection: XmlAccessorType, XmlTransient

  Annotations for Fields

    The Annotation XmlElement

    Class Fields as Attributes: XmlAttribute

  Annotations for Enums: XmlEnum, XmlEnumValue

  Type Adapters: XmlJavaTypeAdapter

  Type Mapping: XmlSchemaType


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