theano documentation 阅读笔记




学习内容:theano documentation 0.6,主要看tutorial 与 library ,看2遍以上。

学习时间6.29-6.30,(6.31也许需要完善下DAMS project的事)6.32-6.33 一共4天,大约40小时+。



1. install还需要搞定的是BLAS GPU-support

2. import pack 是把pack声明在当前环境,引用pack的内容需要

    from pack import *是把pack内部全在当前环境声明,引用需要xxx.

    import X as T

    numpy很需要学习 broadcasting

   tutorial解释不是自满足的,不知是我对python的知识缺失还是library的知识:so should read both.




   randomstream 理解不好。


graph structures built with variable nodes, op nodes and apply nodes.


graphstructure是核心的一个概念,能帮助理解automatic differentition 与 optimiztions. 我不能理解p75面的图。

画出graph:theano.pp()-简单  theano.printing.debugprint()-详细     pydotprint()-png图

-5.4.7 讲述了一些求导计算的事

-5.4.8 configuration settings and compliing modes

config is a module of theano;

can be set in i)assignment to theano.config ii)assignment to theano.flags iii)assignment to .theanorc

mode 控制compliation的行为

-5.4.9 loading and saving

 开头有句话"Python's stndard way of saving class instances are reloading them is the pickle mechanism"

我没有相关的知识。“a limitation of pickle is that it does not save the code or data of a class along with the instance of the class being serialized".    


5.4.10,5.4.11 conditions and loop

5.4.12 sparse mayrix


5.4.13 Using GPU

5.4.14 PyCUDA/CUDAMat/Gnumpy comptibility

5.4.15 Uderstanding Memory Aliasing for Speed and Correctness

5.4.16 How shape information is Handled by Theano

5.4.17 Debugging Theano:FAQ and Troubleshooting

5.4.18 Profiling Theano function

5.4.19 Extending Theano

5.4.20 FAQ

5.4.21 Python Memory Managment

5.4.22 Muti cores support in Theano











posted on 2014-06-29 16:55  xiahong  阅读(434)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报