


#        如果玩家输入的数字范围不在0-9,则会打印出"Error!"


 1 #运行游戏后,玩家首先要进行语音的选择,1选择英语,2选择汉语,其他则默认选择英语
 2 #根据玩家选择的语音,进入不同的语音环境
 3 #游戏规则:玩家输入一个0-9的数字,系统根据玩家输入的数字,打印出数字的信息
 4 #        如果玩家输入的数字范围不在0-9,则会打印出"Error!"
 5 #退出游戏:游戏会随着打印信息的完成提示退出游戏
 6 language_option = """\
 7     Language: Choose the language for System[OPTION]
 8             -1                    Choose English Language
 9             -2                    Choose Chinese Language
10             """
11 enter_str = 'please enter an integer:'
12 #开始游戏前的说明
13 en_game_start_str = 'You choose English language!,Now,Game Start!'
14 cn_game_start_str = '你选择的中文模式!现在,开始游戏!'
15 #游戏规则
16 en_game_rule_str = 'you should enter a number that from 0 to 9,then the \nSystem will print the information of the number'
17 cn_game_rule_str = '你输入一个0-9的数字,系统会打印出该数字的信息'
18 #结束游戏
19 en_game_over_str = 'Game Over!'
20 cn_game_over_str = '游戏结束!'
21 print(language_option)
22 number = int(input(enter_str))
24 def print_info(num):
25     if num == 0:
26         print('0 zero 零')
27     elif num == 1:
28         print('1 one 壹')
29     elif num == 2:
30         print('2 two 贰')
31     elif num == 3:
32         print('3 three 叁')
33     elif num == 4:
34         print('4 four 肆')
35     elif num == 5:
36         print('5 five 伍')
37     elif num == 6:
38         print('6 six 陆')
39     elif num == 7:
40         print('7 seven 柒')
41     elif num == 8:
42         print('8 eight 捌')
43     elif num == 9:
44         print('9 nine 玖')
45     else:
46         print('Error!')
48 def start_game(num):
49     if num == 1:
50         print(en_game_rule_str)
51     elif num == 2:
52         print(cn_game_rule_str)
53     else:
54         print(en_game_rule_str)
55     n = int(input(enter_str))
56     print_info(n)
59 if number == 1:
60     print(en_game_start_str)
61     start_game(1)
62     print(en_game_over_str)
63     exit()
64 elif number == 2:
65     print(cn_game_start_str)
66     start_game(2)
67     print(cn_game_over_str)
68     exit()
69 else:
70     print(en_game_start_str)
71     start_game(number)
72     print(en_game_over_str)
73     exit()



Edit by Hongten 2013-07-21




  1 #运行游戏后,玩家首先要进行语音的选择,1选择英语,2选择汉语,其他则默认选择英语
  2 #根据玩家选择的语音,进入不同的语音环境
  3 #游戏规则:玩家输入一个0-9的数字,系统根据玩家输入的数字,打印出数字的信息
  4 #        如果玩家输入的数字范围不在0-9,则会打印出"Error!"
  5 #退出游戏:游戏会随着打印信息的完成提示退出游戏
  6 language_option = """\
  7     Language: Choose the language for System[OPTION]
  8             -1                    Choose English Language
  9             -2                    Choose Chinese Language
 10             """
 11 enter_str = 'please enter an integer:'
 13 #开始游戏前的说明
 14 en_game_start_str = 'You choose English language!,Now,Game Start!'
 15 cn_game_start_str = '你选择的中文模式!现在,开始游戏!'
 17 #游戏规则
 18 en_game_rule_str = 'you should enter a number that from 0 to 9,then the \nSystem will print the information of the number'
 19 cn_game_rule_str = '你输入一个0-9的数字,系统会打印出该数字的信息'
 21 #结束游戏
 22 en_game_over_str = 'Game Over!'
 23 cn_game_over_str = '游戏结束!'
 24 print(language_option)
 26 #定义列表
 27 en_list = ['zero','one','two','three','four','five','six','seven','eight','nine']
 28 cn_list = ['','','','','','','','','','']
 30 #循环标志
 31 FLAG = True
 33 #还需要玩吗?
 34 en_play_again_str = """\
 35     #############################################
 36     Do you want play again?
 37     -1              Play Again
 38     -2              Exit Game
 39              """
 40 cn_play_again_str = """\
 41     #############################################
 42     你还要继续玩吗?
 43     -1              继续玩
 44     -2              退出游戏
 45              """
 47 number = int(input(enter_str))
 49 #游戏打印信息
 50 def print_info(num):
 51     if num in range(0,9):
 52         print(num,en_list[num],cn_list[num])
 53     else:
 54         print('Error!')
 56 #开始游戏
 57 def start_game(num):
 58     if num == 1:
 59         print(en_game_rule_str)
 60     elif num == 2:
 61         print(cn_game_rule_str)
 62     else:
 63         print(en_game_rule_str)
 64     n = int(input(enter_str))
 65     print_info(n)
 67 #循环玩游戏
 68 def play_again(n):
 69     if n == 1:
 70         print(en_play_again_str)
 71     elif n == 2:
 72         print(cn_play_again_str)
 73     else:
 74         print(en_play_again_str)
 75     again = int(input(enter_str))
 76     if again == 1:
 77         pass
 78     elif again == 2:
 79         #这里使用的是全局变量,注意这里不要写成:global FLAG = False
 80         global FLAG
 81         FLAG = False
 83 #游戏的循环体   
 84 while True:
 85     if FLAG:
 86         if number == 1:
 87             print(en_game_start_str)
 88             start_game(1)
 89             play_again(1)
 90         elif number == 2:
 91             print(cn_game_start_str)
 92             start_game(2)
 93             play_again(2)
 94         else:
 95            print(en_game_start_str)
 96            start_game(number)
 97            play_again(number)
 98     else:
 99         print(en_game_over_str)
100         break
101         #exit()


posted @ 2013-07-20 22:51  Hongten  阅读(16577)  评论(3编辑  收藏  举报
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