Word List 1 part 1

inter- 在....之间 intermediate adj. 中间的 pro- 向前,在前;很多;赞同;亲... proportion n. 比例;部分

prim- 第一,主要的 prime adj. 首要的,最好的         circum 周围     circumstance n. 情况,条件

ment 想,心智 mental adj. 精神的,思想上的           opt 选择    option n. 选择

pregn  拿住  pregnant   adj. 怀孕的,妊娠的           scribe,script  写  describe vt. 形容,描写 sect 切割 sector n. 部分,部门


sincere adj.  真诚的,真挚的   

    My respect  to your family is very dincere.

mood  n.  心情;情绪,(动词的)语气     be (not) in the mood (for sth./to do sth.) 有没有做某事的心情

    My father seemed to be in no emotion to look at y school report.     

static adj.  静的,静态的;静止的,停滞的  n. 静电      House prices,which have benn static for serveal months, are now rising again.

senator  n.  参议员   senta n.  参议院   hobby  n.  业余爱好,癖好     lad  n.  男孩,小伙子   

equip  vt.  装备,配备;(智力、体力上)使有准备     equipment n.  设备  

    A good eduction will equip your children to get a good job.

frown vi.  皱眉,蹩额     brown  adj.   褐色的

    Paul frowned but said nothing.

fasten  vt.   扎牢,扣住   

    Fasten your seat belt.

software  n. 软件

stir  v.  动,拨动;使微动;激动;(某种感情)产生   n.  搅拌,搅动;激动,骚乱    stir up 激动,挑起

    They both stir their coffee.

    Ang Lee's film has caused a stir in America .

distribution n.  分发,分配;分布

flexible adj.  易弯曲的,灵活的   

    We need a foreign policy that is more flexible.

solution n.  解决,解决办法;溶液  solution to the problem

    A solution to this problem is expected to be found before long.

settlement :解决(一般不与介词to连用)


posted @ 2019-09-12 02:18  HoganBen  阅读(180)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报