【LeetCode】Path Sum ---------LeetCode java 小结
Path Sum
Given a binary tree and a sum, determine if the tree has a root-to-leaf path such that adding up all the values along the path equals the given sum.
For example:
Given the below binary tree and sum = 22
/ \
4 8
/ / \
11 13 4
/ \ \
7 2 1
return true, as there exist a root-to-leaf path 5->4->11->2
which sum is 22.
public boolean hasPathSum(TreeNode root, int sum) { Stack<TreeNode> stack = new Stack<>(); int total = 0; if (root == null) return false; TreeNode qNode=root; while (root != null) { while (root.left != null) { stack.push(root); total += root.val; root = root.left; } while (root != null && (root.right == null || root.right == qNode)) { if(root.right==null&&root.left==null){//访问到叶子节点 if(total+root.val==sum){ return true; } } qNode = root;// 记录上一个已输出节点 if (stack.empty()) return false; root = stack.pop(); total-=root.val; } stack.push(root); total+=root.val; root = root.right; } return false; }
/** 递归实现前序遍历 */ protected static void preorder(BTNode p) { if (p != null) { visit(p); preorder(p.getLeft()); preorder(p.getRight()); } } /** 递归实现中序遍历 */ protected static void inorder(BTNode p) { if (p != null) { inorder(p.getLeft()); visit(p); inorder(p.getRight()); } } /** 递归实现后序遍历 */ protected static void postorder(BTNode p) { if (p != null) { postorder(p.getLeft()); postorder(p.getRight()); visit(p); } } /** 非递归实现前序遍历 */ protected static void iterativePreorder(BTNode p) { Stack<BTNode> stack = new Stack<BTNode>(); if (p != null) { stack.push(p); while (!stack.empty()) { p = stack.pop(); visit(p); if (p.getRight() != null) stack.push(p.getRight()); if (p.getLeft() != null) stack.push(p.getLeft()); } } } /** 非递归实现后序遍历 */ protected static void iterativePostorder(BTNode p) { BTNode q = p; Stack<BTNode> stack = new Stack<BTNode>(); while (p != null) { // 左子树入栈 for (; p.getLeft() != null; p = p.getLeft()) stack.push(p); // 当前节点无右子或右子已经输出 while (p != null && (p.getRight() == null || p.getRight() == q)) { visit(p); q = p;// 记录上一个已输出节点 if (stack.empty()) return; p = stack.pop(); } // 处理右子 stack.push(p); p = p.getRight(); } } /** 非递归实现中序遍历 */ protected static void iterativeInorder(BTNode p) { Stack<BTNode> stack = new Stack<BTNode>(); while (p != null) { while (p != null) { if (p.getRight() != null) stack.push(p.getRight());// 当前节点右子入栈 stack.push(p);// 当前节点入栈 p = p.getLeft(); } p = stack.pop(); while (!stack.empty() && p.getRight() == null) { visit(p); p = stack.pop(); } visit(p); if (!stack.empty()) p = stack.pop(); else p = null; } }