Use resource editor to remove demo reminder infomation for quick batch file compiler.

Use resource editor tools,just like Restorator or reshacker.

i'll show you how to remove demo reminder infomation like below.

Load target file(quickbfc.exe) into restorator,expand tree "RCData" --> "TMAINFORM",search the keyword "Strings" found below.

Lines.Strings = (
'echo off'

'echo -----------------------------------------------------------' +

'echo This file created with trial version of Quick Batch File Co' +
'echo Please REGISTER your copy to REMOVE this reminder.'
'echo Copyright 2002-2017 by'
'echo Offical web-site:'

'echo -----------------------------------------------------------' +

change it to: 

Lines.Strings = (




Check the snapshot below:


Address Length Original bytes Patched bytes
005C619B 0x2 75 67 90 90
005C6210 0x2 74 72 90 90
005CB0CA 0x2 75 67 90 90
005CB13F 0x6 0F 84 88 00 00 00 90 90 90 90 90 90
005CBD18 0x2 74 20 90 90

posted @ 2019-06-11 15:39  heycomputer  阅读(326)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报