1. CATransform3D结构成员的意义。
struct CATransform3D { CGFloat m11(x缩放), m12(y切变), m13(旋转), m14(); CGFloat m21(x切变), m22(y缩放), m23(), m24(); CGFloat m31(旋转), m32(), m33(), m34(透视效果,要操作的这个对象要有旋转的角度,否则没有效果。正直/负值都有意义); CGFloat m41(x平移), m42(y平移), m43(z平移), m44(); }; |
2. CATransform3DMakeTranslation
CATransform3DMakeTranslation(0, 0, 0) 创建了一个4*4的单位矩阵。
3. CATransform3DMakeRotation And CATransform3DRotate
_transformedLayer = [CALayer layer]; _transformedLayer.frame = self .bounds; _transformedLayer.anchorPoint = CGPointMake(0.5f, 0.5f); CATransform3D sublayerTransform = CATransform3DIdentity; // Set perspective sublayerTransform.m34 = kPerspective; [_transformedLayer setSublayerTransform:sublayerTransform]; [ self .layer addSublayer:_transformedLayer]; //init Sublayers CATransform3D t = CATransform3DMakeTranslation(0, 0, 0); // take snapshot of the current view [_transformedLayer addSublayer:[ self snapshot:t withView:_contentView isMasked: YES ]]; // 暂时先支持一个方向翻转 RotateDirection direction = RotateFromBottom; if ( YES || direction == RotateFromBottom) { CGFloat height = self .bounds.size.height; //CGFloat cubeSize = 100.0f; t = CATransform3DRotate(t, D2R(90.0), 1, 0, 0);【1】 t = CATransform3DTranslate(t, 0, height, 0); CALayer *subLayer = [ self snapshot:t withView:view isMasked: YES ]; [_transformedLayer addSublayer:subLayer]; } else { } _newContentView = view; [ self animationCubeRotate:direction withDuration:duration]; |
4. 翻转的动画
- ( void )animationCubeRotate:(RotateDirection)direction withDuration:( float )duration { [CATransaction flush]; CGFloat height = self .bounds.size.height; CABasicAnimation *rotation; // CABasicAnimation *translationX; // 如果沿X轴翻转,则用不到这个变量. CABasicAnimation *translationY; // 如果沿Y轴翻转,则用不到这个变量. CABasicAnimation *translationZ; CAAnimationGroup *animationGroup = [CAAnimationGroup animation]; animationGroup.delegate = self ; animationGroup.duration = duration; if ( direction == RotateFromBottom ) { // 创建(某方向)关键帧动画. translationY = [CABasicAnimation animationWithKeyPath: @ "sublayerTransform.translation.y" ]; translationY.toValue = [ NSNumber numberWithFloat:-(height / 2)];【2】 rotation = [CABasicAnimation animationWithKeyPath: @ "sublayerTransform.rotation.x" ]; rotation.toValue = [ NSNumber numberWithFloat:D2R(-90.0f)]; } else if ( direction == RotateFromTop ) { } // 处理Z轴 translationZ = [CABasicAnimation animationWithKeyPath: @ "sublayerTransform.translation.z" ]; translationZ.toValue = [ NSNumber numberWithFloat:height / 2];【3】 animationGroup.animations = [ NSArray arrayWithObjects: rotation, translationY, translationZ, nil ]; animationGroup.fillMode = kCAFillModeForwards; animationGroup.removedOnCompletion = NO ; [_transformedLayer addAnimation:animationGroup forKey:kAnimationKey]; } |
made, 我发现这个东西确实很难讲清楚,主要是因为我理论薄弱,
【2】此处应该是和 anchorPoint有关系的。
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