Zen Cart Error: Error loading stylesheet: A network error occurred loading an XSLT stylesheet:http://www.abc/includes/templates/abc/css/gss.xl

If you have upgraded to Zen Cart 1.3.9 and use the sitemap module to create a sitemapindex file then you may be getting the above error.


  • Delete the old sitemap files(sitemapcategories.xml,sitemapezpages.xml,sitemapindex.xml,sitemapproducts.xml,sitemapreviews.xml) from the root directory.
  • Edit the file includes\modules\pages\sitemapxml\header_php.php
  • Delete the line that reference sitemap css 119/120:

$tpl_dir = $template->get_template_dir(‘gss\.xsl’, DIR_WS_TEMPLATE, $current_page_base, ‘css’);
$zen_SiteMapXML->setStylesheet($tpl_dir . ‘/gss.xsl’);

posted on 2012-11-15 15:51  haven24  阅读(419)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
