upgrade fedora from 14 to 15

1. chang to root user

  command:  su -

2. clean the repository

  command:  yum clean all

3. update your repository to the latest.

  command:  yum update

4. install the preupgrade

  command:  yum install preupgrade

5. run the preupgrade and check the checkbox and then select fedora15 and wait for the process to successfully end.

  command:  preupgrade

6. remove the unsupported packages

  command:  package-cleanup --orphans

7. reboot to test the latest version of fedora.

Sun Mar 27,20:17 at  home by Haria

posted @ 2011-03-27 20:17  haria.guo  阅读(220)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报