Google Calendar使用iText来输出PDF(iText used in Google Calendar)
The calendars are generated as PDF files that can be downloaded to the desktop or straightaway printed.
2006-05-23: iText 1.4.2Changes made by Paulo
Changes made by Mark
Changes made by Brunoo
The calendars are generated as PDF files that can be downloaded to the desktop or straightaway printed.
2006-05-23: iText 1.4.2
- Font factory: cached option added
- Support for document level file attachments in PdfWriter and PdfStamper
- When reading a PDF: accept names of any size (even names that are longer than allowed)
- PdfGraphics2D: class cast exception fix in doAttributes()
- PdfGraphics2D: fixed rectangle optimizations (they didn't work with transforms)
- PdfGraphics2D: some dispose calls were missing
- PdfNameTree/PdfNumberTree: values can be PdfObject and not only PdfIndirectReference
- PdfReader: fixed a class cast exception signing encrypted PDFs in append mode
- Added support for certified PDFs (contributed by Antonio Iacono)
- PostScript fixes by Carsten Hammer
- The RtfAddableElement is a Chunk that can be extended for RTF specific functionality
- Tab support for the RTFWriter2
- Extra table fix for class Table (rowspan problem)
- TreeView changes by Carsten Hammer