Locally uniform prior






A prior distribution P is locally uniform at \(\theta_0\) if

\(\frac{P(a\sigma<\theta-\theta_0< b\sigma)}{P(0<\theta-\theta_0< \sigma)} \to ~b-a \text{ for each } a<b \text{ as } \sigma \to 0\)


It will be shown that the posterior distribution of \(\theta|X_\sigma\) is asymptotically \(N(X_\sigma,\sigma^2)\) , if and only if \(P(\theta)\) is locally uniform and tail-bounded.


Hartigan J A. Locally uniform prior distributions[J]. The Annals of Statistics, 1996, 24(1): 160-173.


posted @ 2018-03-29 05:55  Hao_Wang  阅读(575)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报