Push to Github

  I keep forgetting how to push to github...

  Here is a reminder:

    git init
    git remote add origin git@github.com:***/***.git
    git add week8.R
    git commit -m "an old file"
    git push -u origin master

  But when I changed a directory and performed the same directives as above, something is wrong:


  I still don't understand what "master" is and how the branch works. So I searched for solutions and settled for this:

    git config branch.master.remote origin 
    git config branch.master.merge refs/heads/master 

  I'll look into this after CPA, I promise. For now being able to push to github is pretty satisfying to me.

posted @ 2013-10-07 20:56  Defightender  阅读(216)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报