10 个对初学者有用的 GIT 教程
2012-06-04 21:04 Haippy 阅读(2671) 评论(2) 编辑 收藏 举报Git 是用于 Linux 内核开发的版本控制工具。与常用的版本控制工具CVS、Subversion等不同,它采用了分布式版本库的方式,不必服务器端软件支持,使源代码的发布和交流极其方便。Git的速度很快,这对于诸如Linux kernel这样的大项目来说自然很重要。Git最为出色的是它的合并跟踪(merge tracing)能力。
作为开源自由原教旨主义项目,Git没有对版本库的浏览和修改做任何的权限限制,通过其他工具也可以达到有限的权限控制,比如:gitosis, CodeBeamer MR。原本Git的使用范围只适用于Linux / Unix平台,但逐步并成熟了在Windows平台下的使用,主要归功于Cygwin与msysgit环境与TortoiseGit这样易用的GUI工具。其实Git的源代码中已经加入了对Cygwin与MinGW编译环境的支持并被逐步完善,对于Windows使用者是个福音。
Heroku Cheat Sheet 或者 Visual Git Cheat Sheet
1. Pro Git
2、 Git Immersion
3. Git Community Book
4. Git From the Bottom Up
5. Git Magic
6. Git by Example
7. Easy Version Control with Git
8. Git in Action
9. Intro to Git for Web Designers
10. A Visual Git Reference
- Git Tutorial: How to Version Projects with Git: This is a beginner-level Git tutorial that includes installation instructions.
- Introduction To Git: Check out this screencast on GitHub that introduces basic Git concepts.
- How to Install Git: This is a Stack Exchange answer that covers how to install Git on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux.
- Git The Basics Tutorial: A two-part recorded video of Bart Trojanowski talking about Git basics (available as a PDF).
- Everyday GIT With 20 Commands Or So: Here, you can learn Git basics through the most common commands (with examples of how to use the commands in real-world scenarios).
- Starting with Git: Cheat Sheet: A quick introduction to Git that discusses fundamental activities such as committing to the repository and adding files for version tracking.
- Getting Started with Git: This 6-page cheat-sheet-style Git tutorial from technology publishing company Dzone is available as a PDF that you can print.
- gittutorial Manual Page: This Git tutorial is an official man page in the Git package.
- Git for the lazy: This guide will get you up and running on Git as quickly as possible.
- git ready: This resource collects quick Git tips categorized by level of difficulty (beginner, intermediate and advanced).
- Git_Guide: This FAQ-style Git guide covers the most popular topics for beginners.
- Introductory Guide to Git Version Control System: This guide here on Six Revisions is a quick-start resource for familiarizing yourself with Git.
- Playing Git Like A Violin: Learn how to create Git command aliases (shortcuts) to speed up your version control workflow through this online resource.
- An Illustrated Guide to Git on Windows: A wonderful tutorial on installing and using Git on Windows (using mysysgit, a GUI for Git).
- Getting Started with Git and GitHub on Windows: A guide for Windows users covering how to use Git with the popular social coding site GitHub.
- Aha! Moments When Learning Git: Kalid Azad shares some insights and lessons about his first experiences with Git.
- Version Control for Designers: This Git guide discusses the principles and concepts behind version control systems.
- A Tour of Git: The Basics: A walkthrough of Git to get you started through a hands-on approach.
- Getting the Hang of GitHub: If you’re interested in Git, chances are, it’s because of GitHub. Learn how to get up and running using GitHub through this guide.
- Understanding Git Conceptually: This Git tutorial focuses on the fundamentals of how Git works.
- Git: Your New Best Friend: This introductory guide on SitePoint introduces the reader to version control and Git.
- Linus Torvalds on Git: View this Google Talk video of Linus Torvalds talking about Git.
GIT 官网给出的教程
Short & Sweet
Introductory Reference & Tutorial
This introductory walkthrough acts as a nice tutorial.
Official Git Tutorial
The official gittutorial man page is a good place to start.
Everyday Git
Learn the basics with 20 of the most common commands.
Git Immersion
A guided tour that walks through the fundamentals of Git.
Diving Deeper
Git for Designers
No knowledge of version control? No problem.
Git for Computer Scientists
A quick introduction to Git internals for people who aren't scared by words like Directed Acyclic Graph.
Git Magic
An alternative book with the source online.
Guides on a variety of Git and GitHub related topics.
Pragmatic Version Control Using Git By Travis Swicegood
Pro Git By Scott Chacon
Git Internals Peepcode PDF By Scott Chacon
Version Control with Git By Jon Loeliger
Pragmatic Guide to Git By Travis Swicegood