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如何编译 WebM vp8

google 编译 webM

The WebM project is dedicated to developing a high-quality, open video format for the web that is freely available to everyone.



下载的源代码是:http://code.google.com/p/webm/downloads/list 中的vpx-vp8-debug-src-x86-win32mt-vs8-v0.9.0.zip


1. Prerequisites

    * All x86 targets require the Yasm[1] assembler be installed.
    * All Windows builds require that Cygwin[2] be installed.
    * Building the documentation requires PHP[3] and Doxygen[4]. If you do not
      have these packages, you must pass --disable-install-docs to the
      configure script.
    [1]: http://www.tortall.net/projects/yasm
    [2]: http://www.cygwin.com/
    [3]: http://php.net/
    [4]: http://www.doxygen.org/
2. Out-of-tree builds
Out of tree builds are a supported method of building the application. For
an out of tree build, the source tree is kept separate from the object
files produced during compilation. For instance:

    $ mkdir build
    $ cd build
    $ ../libvpx/configure <options>
    $ make


我直接到http://www.tortall.net/projects/yasm下载了yasm,名称是yasm-1.0.1-win32.exe,我后来修改为yasm.exe,然后把这个放到C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\bin中。

另外还需要yasm.rules,这个在yasm的源代码中有,复制到C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\VCProjectDefaults目录下。




$ cd /cygdrive/c/
$ cd vp8/

$ ls
CHANGELOG README bin build docs include lib libvpx md5sums.txt src

$ cd build/

$ ../src/configure --target=x86-win32-vs8 --enable-static-msvcrt --disable-install-docs

--disable-install-docs 因为我不安装文档了,所以添加了这个参数。



Configuring selected codecs
enabling vp8_encoder
enabling vp8_decoder
Configuring for target 'x86-win32-vs8'
enabling x86
enabling runtime_cpu_detect
enabling mmx
enabling sse
enabling sse2
enabling sse3
enabling ssse3
disabling ccache
enabling postproc
Bypassing toolchain for environment detection.
Creating makefiles for x86-win32-vs8 libs
Creating makefiles for x86-win32-vs8 examples
Creating makefiles for x86-win32-vs8 solution

$ make
    [CREATE] vpx_config.asm
    [CREATE] vpx.vcproj
            --static-crt \




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