1. 用户输入帐号密码进行登陆
2. 用户信息保存在文件内
3. 用户密码输入错误三次后锁定用户
def user_list(): # 打印用户名函数 for k in user_dict: print(k) with open('user_dict','r',encoding='utf-8') as f: for line in f: user_dict = eval(line.strip()) with open('locked','r+',encoding='utf-8') as l: for line2 in l: lock_str = line2 locked = lock_str.split('|') while True: user_list() print("选择登陆系统的用户名") enter_name = input("输入用户名:").strip() count = 0 if enter_name in locked: print("账户{0}已锁".format(enter_name)) break if enter_name in user_dict: while count < 3: enter_passwd = input("输入用户密码").strip() if enter_passwd == user_dict[enter_name]: print("登录成功!") break else: count += 1 print("密码错!") try_times = 3 - count print("您用的登录名{0}登录密码错误,您还剩{1}次机会".format(enter_name, try_times)) print("您用的登录名{0}已锁".format(enter_name)) else: lock_str = lock_str+'|'+enter_name # temp_list.append(enter_name) # todo how to write to the list # temp = str(locked) # l.write(temp) # l.flush() with open('locked', 'r+', encoding='utf-8') as x: x.write(lock_str) x.flush() break if len(enter_name) == 0 or enter_name not in user_dict:continue ''' 写在后面: 所有程序开始先把事情按照最好的流程撸一遍, 再考虑突发的事情 最后考虑是否要加循环 '''