ios connection

There are six connections between your QuizAppDelegate and other objects.

You've set ist pointers answerField and questionField to point at the lables. That's two.

The QuizAppDelegate is the target for both buttons, That's four.

The project's template made two additional connections. 

First, the UIApplication object has a pointer called delegate which points at the QuizAppDelegate.

Second, the window pointer of your QuizAppDelegate was set to the instance of UIWindow. That makes six.


We can check these connections in the connections inspector. (outlet+action)


When you dragged the image files onto the icon tiles, two things happened. First, the image files were added to your project. ( You can verify this by returning to the project navigator, where you'll find Icon.png and Icon@2x.png in the list of files.) Second, two entries were made in the Quiz-Info.plist file. 

Another item you can set for an application in the Summary panel is the launch image, which appears while an application is loading.

posted on 2012-06-13 13:48  grep  阅读(208)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报