Reference API

Reference types

  1. soft: for caching
  2. weak: for fast cleanup (pre-finalizer)
  3. phantom: for safe cleanup (post-finalizer)

Reference queues: for notifications

Soft references: for quick-and-dirty caching only

Cleared when the VM runs low on memory

Hopefully in LRU fashion

Tuned with -XX:SoftRelLRUPolicyMSPerMB

how long to retain soft refs in ms per free MB of heap

Default: 1000ms

Soft refs have no notion of weight:

  • memory usage
  • computation time
  • cpu usage
volatile SoftReference<byte[]> dataReference = new SoftReference<byte[]>(null); //这个地方是可以写null的

public byte[] getData(){

byte[] data = dataReference.get();
if(data !=null) return data;
data = readData();
dataReference = new SoftReference<byte[]>(data);
return data;

Weak reference

cleared as soon as no strong and soft remains

cleared ASAP, before the finalizer runs

Not for caching. Use soft reference, as intended. check jvm spec.


Phantom reference

get() always returns null.// gc runs concurrently with your code

so you must use in a reference queue.



useful for emulating additional fields

keeps weak refs to keys, strong refs to values

not concurrent

uses equals() when it should use ==



  1. start at a root
  2. trace and mark strongly-referenced objects
  3. optionally clear soft references
  4. trace and mark softly-referenced objects
  5. clear weak references
  6. enqueue finalizable objects
  7. repeast steps 1 through 5 for the queue
  8. possibly enqueue phantom references
  9. the remaining objects are dead
  10. repeat
public class GetterMethods{

final static Cache<class<?>,List<Method>> cache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder()
.build(new CacheLoader<Class<?>,List<Method>>(){

public List<Method> load(<Class<?> clazz){

List<Method> getters = new ArrayList<Method>();
for(Method m: clazz.getMethods())

return getters;



public static List<Method> on(Class<?> clazz){

return cache.apply(clazz);

//List<Method> l = GetterMethods.on(Foo.class);


To dynamically reload your web application, you need to be careful not unintentionally to retain your app classloader from being collected.



posted on 2012-02-19 01:28  grepp  阅读(179)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
