



A.exe中加载B.dll.  在A.exe中用new申请了一片内存,在B.dll中执行delete导致程序崩溃。





1. A.exe中调用B.dll中的对应的函数,由其分配内存,然后再调用B.dll中的函数去释放。

2. A申请的内存,由A来释放。



在Windows系统中,进程和dll的内存管理是由Runtime Library实现的,而MT和MD影响了Runtim Library的链接方式,从而导致了此问题。

l MT 是多线程静态链接运行时库。

l MD是多线程动态链接运行时库。

在《Allocating and freeing memory across module boundaries》中专门讲述了该问题。我这里简单摘录一下:

If you choose to link with the static runtime library, then your module has its own private copy of the C/C++ runtime. When your module calls new or malloc, the memory can only be freed by your module calling delete or free. If another module calls delete or free, that will use the C/C++ runtime of that other module which is not the same as yours. Indeed, even if you choose to link with the DLL version of the C/C++ runtime library, you still have to agree which version of the C/C++ runtime to use. If your DLL uses MSVCRT20.DLL to allocate memory, then anybody who wants to free that memory must also use MSVCRT20.DLL.

另外在MSDN《How to link with the correct C Run-Time (CRT) library》也提到:

If you do choose to mix CRT libraries, remember that you have two separate copies of the CRT, with separate and distinct states, so you must be careful about what you try to do across a CRT-boundary. There are many ways to get into trouble with two CRTs. Here are just a few:

  • There are two separate heaps. You cannot allocate (explicitly with new, malloc, or so on -- or implicitly with strdup, strstreambuf::str, or so on), and then pass the pointer across a CRT-boundary to be freed.
  • You cannot pass a FILE* or file handle across a CRT-boundary and expect the "stdio low-level IO" to work.
  • You cannot set the locale in one and expect the other's locale to be set.



所以跨模块的内存管理,最好是由每个模块提供自己的分配和销毁接口函数,然后在模块外部通过这些接口的调用来控制对象的生命期,而不是在外部 new/delete。如果实在要用,可以使用微软提供了GlobalAlloc/GlobalFree这样的全局内存API,用它们的话跨模块也没有问题的。


1.Shared libraries in Linux: growing pains or fundamental problem?

posted @ 2010-01-28 22:52  林杰的博客  阅读(1430)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报