设计模式系列2-----C++实现责任链模式(Chain of Responsibility)
wikipedia的定义为:CoR pattern consists of a source of command objects and a series of processing objects. Each processing object contains a set of logic that describes the types of command objects that it can handle, and how to pass off those that it cannot handle to the next processing object in the chain. A mechanism also exists for adding new processing objects to the end of this chain.
#include <iostream> using namespace std; class PurchasePower { public: PurchasePower(PurchasePower* pSuccessor = NULL) : m_pSuccessor(pSuccessor) {} void setSuccessor(PurchasePower* pSuccessor) { this->m_pSuccessor = pSuccessor; } virtual void processRequest(float amount) = 0; protected: PurchasePower* m_pSuccessor; }; class Manager : public PurchasePower { public: Manager(PurchasePower* pSuccessor = NULL) : PurchasePower(pSuccessor) {} virtual void processRequest(float amount) { const float ALLOWABLE = 500.0f; cout << "Manager received request " << amount << endl; if (amount < ALLOWABLE) cout << "Manager processed request " << amount << "\n\n"; else if (m_pSuccessor) { cout << "Manager passed on request " << amount << endl; m_pSuccessor->processRequest(amount); } } }; class Director : public PurchasePower { public: Director(PurchasePower* pSuccessor = NULL) : PurchasePower(pSuccessor) {} virtual void processRequest(float amount) { const float ALLOWABLE = 1000.0f; cout << "Director received request " << amount << endl; if (amount < ALLOWABLE) cout << "Director processed request " << amount << "\n\n"; else if (m_pSuccessor) { cout << "Director passed on request " << amount << endl; m_pSuccessor->processRequest(amount); } } }; class CEO : public PurchasePower { public: CEO(PurchasePower* pSuccessor = NULL) : PurchasePower(pSuccessor) {} virtual void processRequest(float amount) { const float ALLOWABLE = 10000.0f; cout << "CEO received request " << amount << endl; if (amount < ALLOWABLE) cout << "CEO processed request " << amount << "\n\n"; else if (m_pSuccessor) { cout << "CEO passed on request " << amount << endl; m_pSuccessor->processRequest(amount); } } }; int main() { Manager* pManager = new Manager(); Director* pDirector = new Director(); CEO* pCEO = new CEO(); pManager->setSuccessor(pDirector); pDirector->setSuccessor(pCEO); float amount; while (cin >> amount) { pManager->processRequest(amount); } delete pCEO; delete pDirector; delete pManager; return 0; }
另外传统责任链的一个缺点是如果程序员忘记了调用下一级的处理者,请求便终止,程序并不能保证这点。这篇文章The Chain of Responsibility pattern's pitfalls and improvements用了类似Template Method模式的方法解决了这个问题。
Wikipedia: Chain-of-responsibility pattern
The Chain of Responsibility pattern's pitfalls and improvements
<<Head First Design Pattern>>
<<Design Patterns—Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software>>
posted on 2011-12-04 17:15 GraphicsMe 阅读(603) 评论(0) 编辑 收藏 举报