[LeetCode] Design TinyURL 设计精简URL地址


Note: For the coding companion problem, please see: Encode and Decode TinyURL.

How would you design a URL shortening service that is similar to TinyURL?

TinyURL is a URL shortening service where you enter a URL such as https://leetcode.com/problems/design-tinyurl and it returns a short URL such as http://tinyurl.com/4e9iAk.


  1. For instance, "http://tinyurl.com/4e9iAk" is the tiny url for the page "https://leetcode.com/problems/design-tinyurl". The identifier (the highlighted part) can be any string with 6 alphanumeric characters containing 0-9a-zA-Z.
  2. Each shortened URL must be unique; that is, no two different URLs can be shortened to the same URL.


Note about Questions:
Below are just a small subset of questions to get you started. In real world, there could be many follow ups and questions possible and the discussion is open-ended (No one true or correct way to solve a problem). If you have more ideas or questions, please ask in Discuss and we may compile it here!


    1. How many unique identifiers possible? Will you run out of unique URLs?
    2. Should the identifier be increment or not? Which is easier to design? Pros and cons?
    3. Mapping an identifier to an URL and its reversal - Does this problem ring a bell to you?
    4. How do you store the URLs? Does a simple flat file database work?
    5. What is the bottleneck of the system? Is it read-heavy or write-heavy?
    6. Estimate the maximum number of URLs a single machine can store.
    7. Estimate the maximum number of queries per second (QPS) for decoding a shortened URL in a single machine.
    8. How would you scale the service? For example, a viral link which is shared in social media could result in a peak QPS at a moment's notice.
    9. How could you handle redundancy? i,e, if a server is down, how could you ensure the service is still operational?
    10. Keep URLs forever or prune, pros/cons? How we do pruning? (Contributed by @alex_svetkin)
    11. What API would you provide to a third-party developer? (Contributed by @alex_svetkin)
    12. If you can enable caching, what would you cache and what's the expiry time? (Contributed by @Humandroid)




S: Scenario 场景



N: Need 需求

- QPS (Queires Per Second) 每秒查询数

  - 日活用户:100M

  - 每日人均使用量:(写)long2short 0.1,(读) short2long 1

  - 每日请求量:写 10M,读 100M

  - QPS:一天共有86400秒,约100K。写 100, 读 1K

  - 峰值QPS:写 200, 读 2K


- Storage 存储

  - 每天10M个新映射(长URL到短URL)

  - 一个映射大约占100B的大小

  - 每天1GB,1TB大约能扛三年



A: API 接口


- Core (Business Logic) Layer

- Class: URLService

- Interface:

- URLService.encode(string long_url)

- URLService.decode(stirng short_url)

- Web Layer


- GET: /{short_url}, return a http redirect response (301)

- POST: goo.gl method - google shorten URL

Request Body: {url=longUrl} e.g. {"longUrl": "http://www.google.com/"}
Return OK(200), short_url is included in the data


K: Data Access 数据访问

Step 1: Pick a storage structure 选择一个存储结构


  - 需要支持事务Transactions吗?NoSQL不支持事务Transactions。

  - 需要Rich SQL Query吗? NoSQL不支持SQL那么多的Query。

  - 需要高效开发吗?大多数的网络框架对SQL的支持性非常好,意味着系统不需要太多的代码。

  - 需要AUTO_INCREMENT ID吗? NoSQL不支持这个,仅有一个全局卫衣的Object_id。

  - 需要高QPS吗?NoSQL有高性能。比如Memcached的QPS可达到百万级,MondoDB可达万级,MySQL只有千级。

  - 系统的可伸缩性Scalability有多高?SQL需要开发者写代码去伸缩Scale,而NoSQL自带该功能(Sharding,replica)。

- Answer 回答:

  - 不需要 -> NoSQL

  - 不需要 -> NoSQL

  - 无所谓,因为只有很少的代码 -> NoSQL


  - 写 200,读 2K,不高 -> SQL

  - 不高 -> SQL

- System Alogrithm 系统算法

  - Hash 函数

   long_url => md5/sha1

   - md5将一个字符串转为128位,通常用16个字节的十六进制来表示:

    http://site.douban.com/chuan -> c93a360dc7f3eb093ab6e304db516653

   - sha1将字符串转为160位,通常用20个字节的十六进制来表示:

    http://site.douban.com/chuan -> dff85871a72c73c3eae09e39ffe97aea63047094


     - 优点:简单。我们用转换字符串的前6个字符

     - 缺点:冲突

    解决方法 1. 使用(long_url + timestamp)作为哈希函数的关键字Key。2. 当冲突时,重新生成哈希值(生成的值不同因为时间戳改变了)。


  - base62

   将short_url用62 base标记。6位可以表示62^6 57 billion。

   每个short_url表示一个十进制数,可以当作SQL数据库中的AUTO_INCREMENT ID。


class URLService {
    URLService() {
        COUNTER = 1;
        elements = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";

    string longToShort(string url) {
        string short_url = base10ToBase62(COUNTER);
        long2short[url] = COUNTER;
        short2long[COUNTER] = url;
        return "http://tiny.url/" + short_url;

    string shortToLong(string url) {
        string prefix = "http://tiny.url/";
        url = url.substr(prefix.size());
        int n = base62ToBase10(url);
        return short2long[n];

    int base62ToBase10(string s) {
        int n = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < s.size(); ++i) {
            n = n * 62 + convert(s[i]);
        return n;

    int convert(char c) {
        if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') {
            return c - '0';
        } else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') {
            return c - 'a' + 10;
        } else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') {
            return c - 'A' + 36;
        return -1;

    string base10ToBase62(int n) {
        string str = "";
        while (n != 0) {
            str.insert(str.begin(), elements[n % 62]);
            n /= 62;
        while (str.size() != 6) {
            str.insert(str.begin(), '0');
        return str;

    unordered_map<string, int> long2short;
    unordered_map<int, string> short2long;
    int COUNTER;
    string elements;


Step 2: Database Schema 数据库概要

一个表(id, long_url)。id是主键,通过long_url排序。基本的系统架构为:

Browser <-> Web <-> Core <-> DB


O: Optimize 优化


- 在网络服务器和数据库之间提高响应速度


- 在网络服务器和用户浏览器之间提高响应速度



- 问题:

  - 缓存用完了 

  - 越来越多的请求

  - 越来越多的缓存丢失

- 解决方案:

  - 垂直切分 Vertical Sharding

  - 水平切分 Horizontal Sharding

  最好的方式是水平切分。当前的表结构是(id, long_url),哪列可以当作切分关键字。


  现在有另一个问题:如何能使多个机器共享一个全局的AUTO_INCREMENT ID?

  两种方法:1. 多使用一个机器去维护id。2. 使用zookeeper。都很操蛋。




  write long_url -> hash(long_url)%62 -> put long_url to the specific machine according to hash value -> generate short_url on this machine -> return short_url

  short_url request -> get the sharding key (first byte of the short_url) -> search in the corresponding machine based on sharding key -> return long_url









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posted @ 2017-10-15 23:51  Grandyang  阅读(6176)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
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