[CareerCup] 18.8 Search String 搜索字符串


18.8 Given a string s and an array of smaller strings T, design a method to search s for each small string in T. 


这道题给我们一个字符串s,和一个字符串数组T,让我们找T中的每一个小字符串在s中出现的位置,这道题很适合用后缀树Suffix Tree来做,LeetCode中有几道关于前缀树(Prefix Tree, Trie)的题,Implement Trie (Prefix Tree)Word Search II,和 Add and Search Word - Data structure design 。前缀树和后缀树比较相似,都是很重要的数据结构,在解决特定问题时非常有效,具体讲解请参见这个帖子。参见代码如下:


class SuffixTreeNode {
    unordered_map<char, SuffixTreeNode*> children;
    char value;
    vector<int> indexes;
    void insertString(string s, int idx) {
        if (!s.empty()) {
            value = s[0];
            SuffixTreeNode *child;
            if (children.count(value)) {
                child = children[value];
            } else {
                child = new SuffixTreeNode();
                children[value] = child;
            string remainder = s.substr(1);
            child->insertString(remainder, idx);
    vector<int> search(string s) {
        if (s.empty()) return indexes;
        char first = s[0];
        if (children.count(first)) {
            string remainder = s.substr(1);
            return children[first]->search(remainder);
        return {};

class SuffixTree {
    SuffixTreeNode *root = new SuffixTreeNode();
    SuffixTree(string s) {
        for (int i = 0; i < s.size(); ++i) {
            string suffix = s.substr(i);
            root->insertString(suffix, i);
    vector<int> search(string s) {
        return root->search(s);



Implement Trie (Prefix Tree)

Word Search II

Add and Search Word - Data structure design 





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posted @ 2016-05-09 02:45  Grandyang  阅读(1056)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
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