Qt Examples Qt实例汇总


ActiveQt Examples

Using ActiveX from Qt applications.


Animation Framework Examples

Doing animations with Qt.

Animated Tiles


Application Chooser


Easing Curves


Move Blocks*




Stick man*


D-Bus Examples

Using D-Bus from Qt applications.



Complex Ping Pong

 Ask your question: When is the next Qt release?
 Reply was: Sorry, I don't know the answer
 Ask your question: What is the answer to life, the universe and everything?
 Reply was: 42


List Names

The D-Bus List Names examples shows how to query D-Bus for a list of service names.


Ping Pong

The D-Bus Ping Pong example provides a basic demonstration of D-Bus interfaces.

 $ ./pong &
 $ ./ping Hello
 Reply was: ping("Hello") got called


Remote Controlled Car


Drag and Drop Examples

How to access your platform's native drag and drop functionality.

Draggable Icons


Draggable Text


Drop Site*

Screenshot of the Drop Site example


Fridge Magnets*


Drag and Drop Puzzle


Graphics View Examples

Using the Graphics View framework.

40000 Chips




Colliding Mice Example


Diagram Scene Example


Drag and Drop Robot Example


Elastic Nodes Example


Pad Navigator Example


Anchor Layout Example


Basic Graphics Layouts Example

Screenshot of the Basic Layouts Example


Embedded Dialogs


Graphics View Flow Layout Example


Simple Anchor Layout Example


Weather Anchor Layout Example


Blur Picker Effect Example


Fade Message Effect Example


Lighting Effect Example


Layout Examples

Using Qt's layout-based approach to widget management.

Basic Layouts

Screenshot of the Basic Layouts example



Border Layout


Dynamic Layouts


Flow Layout

Screenshot of the Flow Layout example


Qt Bluetooth Examples

Examples for the Qt Bluetooth module.


Bluetooth Chat


Bluetooth File Transfer


Bluetooth Scanner


QML Bluetooth Chat Example

QML Bluetooth Picture Push Example


QML Bluetooth PingPong

QML Bluetooth Scanner

QML Bluetooth Low Energy Heart Listener

QML Bluetooth Low Energy Scanner

Qt NFC Examples

Examples for the Qt NFC module.

Annotated URL


NDEF Editor



QML Poster

Qt Quick Examples and Tutorials

Building UIs with QML Qt includes several examples to demonstrate a particular usage. The examples run as applications or as non-GUI examples in Qt Creator. Qt tutorials show the step-by-step information and give insight to particular code snippets.











posted @ 2015-02-07 04:09  Grandyang  阅读(14838)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
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