

gateway is a command line utility for sending messages and commands to Genesis processes. The gateway command works between all systems that are connected to the same gnd server (in a client-server mode).

This command allows you send messages or run commands or scripts on any genesis process currently running without having to interfere with the GUI on that station.


Running gateway does not require any additional licenses. The program itself is located in $GENESIS_DIR/exx/misc  where xx is the version number (eg. e72)


gateway may be called in one of the following modes:


gateway <address> <message>

Sends a message to an address

gateway ’WHO <address>’

Returns matching address

gateway ’PID <address>’

Returns process IDs of matching adress

gateway <address>

Opens an interactive session


  • <address> is formed as <user>@<computer>.<display name>, where <user> is the Genesis login name, <computer> is the name of the computer, and <display> is the name of the X Display that is displaying the “get” process.


  • As from v7.1, <address> can also be formed as <pid>@computer.display, where <pid> is the process id of the get process,<computer> is the name of the computer, and <display> is the name of the X Display that is displaying the “get” process. This can be important if there are two get’s running on the same computer/display



  • A star symbol (“*”) may be used for globbing any part of an address.


  • <message> may be any of the following:


WHO <address>

This message returns a space separated list of all addresses matching the <address>


PID <address>

This message returns a space separated list of the Process IDs of all addresses matching the <address>.


COM <genesis line mode command>

This message send a Genesis line mode command to all Genesis processes matching the specified address, unless the operator has specified, “DON’T accept messages” in the clipboard. This message returns zero if the command completed properly. Otherwise it returns a status code.



MSG <message text>

This will cause all Genesis processes matching the specified address to receive a message and display it to the operator, unless the operator has specified “DON’T accept messages” in the clipboard.


ERR <error code>

This returns the display string of the error code.



              This returns the COMANS of the last COM command


When working in an interactive session, any of the above messages may be sent.


A period .” on a line by itself causes the gateway to exit. When you wish to close the session, the command must be used, since even ifgateway has finished reading its standard input, it continues polling for more




# Print a list of all Genesis users

% gateway ’WHO *’

# Print a list of all the instances that “ben” is logged in on Genesis

% gateway ’WHO ben@*’

# Print the process IDs of all the instances of “ben” logged in on jupiter.

% gateway ’PID ben@jupiter.jupiter’

# Open a job on a specific Genesis process.

% gateway ben@jupiter.jupiter ’COM open_job,job=1745’

# An interactive session

% gateway ben@jupiter.jupiter

COM open_job,job=1745

COM script_run,name=/my_scripts/run_analysis,params=pcb




Note   “get” may be run with the “-x” option and without a script. This puts Genesis into a mode where it will respond to gateway COMmessages but will operate without a user interface.


Note     This feature first appeared in Genesis Version 6.0c.


In Genesis v7.1, Gateway recognizes addresses of the following form:


% gateway <pid>@computer.display


To open a session with a get process with pid 17777 use:


% gateway %17777@pluto.pluto


(The notation was chosen since a username could also be numeric.)


Also, in Genesis v7.1, the new command COMANS has been added. This command returns the COMANS of the last COM command. Here is a sample session:


% gateway ben@pluto.pluto

COM open_job,job=0.01745


COM open_entity,job=0.01745,type=step,name=pcb


COM filter_area_start


COM filter_area_xy,x=1,y=1


COM filter_area_xy,x=0,y=0


COM filter_area_end





using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace WindowsFormsApplication4
   public class Genesis
        //gateway的运行命令色这个样子的 gateway <address> <message>
        //address为genesis上的数据: 用户名@机器名.机器名
        /// <summary>
        /// 程序运行的对应用户地址
        /// </summary>
        private string address { get; set; }
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        string GENESIS_DIR { get { return Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("GENESIS_DIR");} }
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        string GENESIS_EDIR { get { return Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("GENESIS_EDIR"); } }
       /// <summary>
       /// 发送指令给genesis
       /// </summary>
       /// <param name="cmdText"></param>
       /// <returns></returns>
       public Genesis()
           string s = SendCommand("\"WHO\"");
            string[] users = s.Trim().Replace(' ',',').Split(',');
           if (users.Count()>0)
               address = users[users.Count()-1];
       private string SendCommand(string cmdText)
            Process p=new Process();
            p.StartInfo.FileName = GENESIS_EDIR + @"\misc\gateway.exe";
            p.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = true;
            p.StartInfo.RedirectStandardInput = true;
            p.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
            p.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true;
            p.StartInfo.Arguments = cmdText;
           p.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
            StreamReader read = p.StandardOutput;
           string s = read.ReadLine();
            return s;
       public string COM(string cmdText)
           return SendCommand(string.Format(address+ " \"COM  {0}\"",cmdText));


接着队代码进行进行测试,新建一个winform程序,添加两个 richTextBox一个用来输入指令,一个接收返回值


private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
           Genesis gen=new Genesis();
           richTextBox2.AppendText(gen.COM(  richTextBox1.Text));




posted @ 2016-01-11 09:21  黄者之风  阅读(3860)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报