由VS Code 生成的latex模板

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\title{testt Documentation}
\date{Dec 18, 2018}
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this is a bulleted list.
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It has two items, the second itrems
\item {}
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\# This is a number.
\# It das two ssss.
Love me and love you.
Loren ipsum %
the first .
\end{footnote} dolor sit amet ... %
the second.

About equuation lattice

\section{Love you and}

\begin{split}\frac{\|v(r,t)-v(q,t)\|}{(t-r)^{1-\alpha}}\leq c\|v\|_{\beta+\beta'}(q-r)^{\beta+\beta'+\alpha-1}+\|u\|_{\beta}|||\omega|||_{\beta'}(q-r)^{\beta}(t-q)^{\beta'+\alpha-1}.\end{split}
\chapter{Indices and tables}
\item {}
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The aim of this paper is to  study of the existence and uniqueness solution for the following equation:

\bibitem{Amann} H. Amann, {\it Ordinary Differential Equations. An Introduction to Nonlinear Analysis}, Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, 1990.

posted @ 2018-12-18 19:36  小哇牛  阅读(593)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报