pgpool-II3.1 的内存泄漏(七)

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[作者 高健@博客园]


情形D extract_string_tokens 调用 malloc

==27927== 24,630 (24,576 direct, 54 indirect) bytes in 3 blocks are definitely lost in loss record 100 of 100
==27927== at 0x4A05E1C: malloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:195)
==27927== by 0x40C8FC: extract_string_tokens (pool_config.l:2191)
==27927== by 0x41177B: pool_get_config (pool_config.l:1657)
==27927== by 0x4066B5: main (main.c:320)

从上述log可知, 调用关系如下:

main->pool_get_config -> extract_string_tokens -> malloc


pool_get_config 函数:

int pool_get_config(char *confpath, POOL_CONFIG_CONTEXT context)                                                
    FILE *fd;                                            
    int token;                                            
    char key[1024];                                            
    double total_weight;                                            
    int i;                                            
    bool log_destination_changed = false; 
    #define PARSE_ERROR() 
pool_error("pool_config: parse error at line %d '%s'", Lineno, yytext) /* open config file */ fd = fopen(confpath, "r"); if (!fd) { fprintf(stderr, "pool_config: could not open configuration file (%s)\n", POOL_CONF_FILE_NAME); fprintf(stderr, "pool_config: using default values...\n"); return 0; } yyin = fd; Lineno = 1; for(;;) { token = yylex(); if (token == 0) { break; } if (token == POOL_PARSE_ERROR) { PARSE_ERROR(); fclose(fd); return(-1); } if (token == POOL_EOL) continue; if (token != POOL_KEY) { PARSE_ERROR(); fclose(fd); return(-1); } …… if (!strcmp(key, "allow_inet_domain_socket") &&
CHECK_CONTEXT(INIT_CONFIG, context)) { …… } ……
else if (!strcmp(key, "reset_query_list") && CHECK_CONTEXT(INIT_CONFIG|RELOAD_CONFIG, context)) { char *str; if (token != POOL_STRING && token != POOL_UNQUOTED_STRING &&

token != POOL_KEY) { PARSE_ERROR(); fclose(fd); return(-1); } str = extract_string(yytext, token); if (str == NULL) { fclose(fd); return(-1); } pool_config->reset_query_list = extract_string_tokens(str, ";", pool_config->num_reset_queries); if (pool_config->reset_query_list == NULL) { fclose(fd); return(-1); } } else if (!strcmp(key, "white_function_list") && CHECK_CONTEXT(INIT_CONFIG|RELOAD_CONFIG, context)) { char *str; if (token != POOL_STRING && token != POOL_UNQUOTED_STRING &&
token != POOL_KEY) { PARSE_ERROR(); fclose(fd); return(-1); } str = extract_string(yytext, token); if (str == NULL) { fclose(fd); return(-1); } pool_config->white_function_list = extract_string_tokens(str, ",",
&pool_config->num_white_function_list); if (pool_config->white_function_list == NULL) { fclose(fd); return(-1); } for (i=0;i<pool_config->num_white_function_list;i++) { add_regex_pattern("white_function_list",
pool_config->white_function_list[i]); } } else if (!strcmp(key, "black_function_list") && CHECK_CONTEXT(INIT_CONFIG|RELOAD_CONFIG, context)) { char *str; if (token != POOL_STRING && token != POOL_UNQUOTED_STRING &&
token != POOL_KEY) { PARSE_ERROR(); fclose(fd); return(-1); } str = extract_string(yytext, token); if (str == NULL) { fclose(fd); return(-1); } pool_config->black_function_list = extract_string_tokens(str, ",",
&pool_config->num_black_function_list); if (pool_config->black_function_list == NULL) { fclose(fd); return(-1); } for (i=0;i<pool_config->num_black_function_list;i++) { add_regex_pattern("black_function_list",
pool_config->black_function_list[i]); } } …… else if (!strncmp(key, "backend_flag", 12) && CHECK_CONTEXT(INIT_CONFIG|RELOAD_CONFIG, context) && mypid == getpid())
/* this parameter must be modified by parent pid */ { …… flags = extract_string_tokens(str, "|", &n); if (!flags || n < 0) { pool_debug("pool_config: unable to get backend flags"); fclose(fd); return(-1); } for (i=0;i<n;i++) { if (!strcmp(flags[i], "ALLOW_TO_FAILOVER")) { if (disallow_to_failover_is_specified) { pool_error("pool_config: cannot set ALLOW_TO_FAILOVER
and DISALLOW_TO_FAILOVER at the same time
"); fclose(fd); return(-1); } flag &= ~POOL_FAILOVER; allow_to_failover_is_specified = true; pool_debug("pool_config: allow_to_failover on"); } else if (!strcmp(flags[i], "DISALLOW_TO_FAILOVER")) { if (allow_to_failover_is_specified) { pool_error("pool_config: cannot set ALLOW_TO_FAILOVER
and DISALLOW_TO_FAILOVER at the same time
"); fclose(fd); return(-1); } flag |= POOL_FAILOVER; disallow_to_failover_is_specified = true; pool_debug("pool_config: disallow_to_failover on"); } else { pool_error("pool_config: invalid backend flag:%s", flags[i]); } } …… } …… } fclose(fd); …… return 0; }

extract_string_tokens 函数:

 * Extract tokens separated by delimi from str. Return value is an 
 * array of pointers to malloced strings. number of tokens is set to 
 * n; note that str will be destroyed by strtok(). 
#define MAXTOKENS 1024                                        
static char **extract_string_tokens(char *str, char *delimi, int *n)                                        
    char *token;                                    
    static char **tokens;                                    
    *n = 0;                                    
    tokens = malloc(MAXTOKENS*sizeof(char *));                                    
    if (tokens == NULL)                                    
        pool_error("extract_string_tokens: out of memory");                                
        return NULL;                                
    for (token = strtok(str, delimi); token != NULL && *n < MAXTOKENS; token = strtok(NULL, delimi))                                    
        tokens[*n] = strdup(token);                                
        if (tokens[*n] == NULL)                                
            pool_error("extract_string_tokens: out of memory");                            
            return NULL;                            
        pool_debug("extract_string_tokens: token: %s", tokens[*n]);                                
    return tokens;                                    

和情形 A 有些类似,在 extract_string_tokens函数中,调用了 malloc开了内存

由于其 是在 pool_config.c 的 pool_get_config 中被调用,
这个函数 是要实现 把配置文件中的各项内容读取出来。
配置文件项内容的地址,就存储在 返回的 指针里面。

在pgpool 运行结束以前, 都是需要能随时访问 配置文件向内容的。
所以,在pgpool运行结束以前,都是不能随意 释放 。

至于运行结束的那一刻 是否 有代码专门来释放了,前面我们的分析已经说过,不在我们的讨论范围内。


flags = extract_string_tokens(str, "|", &n);

这是因为 flags根本不是返回的值

pool_get_config 函数,pool_get_config函数中调用 extract_string_tokens ,
此后, 根本无从 保存 flags 指针。所以这段内存,在pgpool运行结束后,只能说是 “丢了"。

[作者 高健@博客园]
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posted @ 2012-08-21 15:07  健哥的数据花园  阅读(520)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报