801 响起再拨打到 1000

$strChannel = "SIP/801";

$strExten =1000;


#edit the below variable values to reflect your system/information

#specify the name/ip address of your asterisk box
#if your are hosting this page on your asterisk box, then you can use
# as the host IP.  Otherwise, you will need to edit the following
#line in manager.conf, under the Admin user section:
#change to:
#permit=, ;(the ip address of the server this page is running on)
$strHost = "";

#specify the username you want to login with (these users are defined in /etc/asterisk/manager.conf)
#this user is the default AAH AMP user; you shouldn't need to change, if you're using AAH.
$strUser = "admin";

#specify the password for the above user
$strSecret = "amp111";

#specify the channel (extension) you want to receive the call requests with
$strChannel = "SIP/801";

#specify the context to make the outgoing call from.  By default, AAH uses from-internal
#Using from-internal will make you outgoing dialing rules apply
$strContext = "from-internal";

#specify the amount of time you want to try calling the specified channel before hangin up
$strWaitTime = "30";

#specify the priority you wish to place on making this call
$strPriority = "1";

#specify the maximum amount of retries
$strMaxRetry = "2";

#Shouldn't need to edit anything below this point to make this script work
#get the phone number from the posted form
$strExten =1000;

#specify the caller id for the call
$strCallerId = "Web Call Test <$strExten>";

$oSocket = fsockopen($strHost, 5038, $errnum, $errdesc) or die("Connection to host failed");
fputs($oSocket, "Action: login\r\n");
fputs($oSocket, "Events: off\r\n");
fputs($oSocket, "Username: $strUser\r\n");
fputs($oSocket, "Secret: $strSecret\r\n\r\n");
fputs($oSocket, "Action: originate\r\n");
fputs($oSocket, "Channel: $strChannel\r\n");
fputs($oSocket, "WaitTime: $strWaitTime\r\n");
fputs($oSocket, "CallerId: $strCallerId\r\n");
fputs($oSocket, "Exten: $strExten\r\n");
fputs($oSocket, "Context: $strContext\r\n");
fputs($oSocket, "Priority: $strPriority\r\n\r\n");
fputs($oSocket, "Action: Logoff\r\n\r\n");

echo 'Call ...';

posted @ 2010-08-14 21:46  じ守望者┱ o  阅读(845)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报