The Right Magic

1、ask for an object:请别人递东西
Hand me two eggs.
2、Make suggestions:提出建议
How about some bacon?
Maybe you can teach me how to work on a computer someday.
Can you come finshing with me tomorrow.
Maybe we should do it again.
What do you say we get back to our fishing?
Why don't  we do it again?
3、talk about the weather:谈论天气
It's a perfect day.....a little cloudy but nice and warm.
(The)radio says (it will be) sunny and mild.
4、talk about activties with "go": "去"活动
go fishing (also:go bowling, go shopping, go running, go swiming, go dancing)
5、say you're in a hurry and must leave:表示急于离开
I've got to run.=I must leave right now.
6、check information you thought you knew:反问,核对已知信息
Don't you have to work.
7、remember the past:回忆往事
It'll be like old times.
Robbie will be thrilled.
Robbie 会很兴奋的
I guess I ruined your day.
So sorry, spoil your fun.
10、patient:a sick person 病人
One of my patients had a high fever.
He had a mergency.

posted on 2008-03-05 22:59  陈峰  阅读(245)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报