1. I download WinCE 5.0 1.51 Release, if I add the usb support, as 4.3.3(Au1200_WinCE_v1.51_ReleaseNotes.pdf), the release version can be built successfully. But the debug version will give an "error C2220: warning treated as error - no object file generated".
the build output information is as below:
        BUILD: [01:0000000187:ERRORE] d:\WINCE500\PLATFORM\Db1200\Drivers\Usb\Usbfn_clients\Mtp\MtpDevice.cpp(33) : error C2220: warning treated as error - no object file generated
        BUILD: [01:0000000214:PROGC ] Linking D:\WINCE500\platform\DB1200\lib\MIPSII\debug\Mtp.lib
        BUILD: [01:0000000224:ERRORE] LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'obj\MIPSII\debug\MtpDevice.obj'
    how can I solve this problem?
    comment: I have installed the WinCEPB50-071231-Product-Update-Rollup-MIPSII.msi, Au1200_CoreBSP_v1.51.zip and Au1200_MediaBSP_v1.51.zip. as the document (1. Summary-->QFEs installed).
complie without /wx (降低警告级别)来解决。

    2. What connection method do you use to debug the application? I have changed my bootloader into eboot and use plateform builder attach device to load the nk.bin, if I enabled KITL, CE can't load correctly. If I disable KITL, it can load correctly. or, do you have any other better method to debug the application?
    the information from the serial port terminal is as below:
        ROMHDR at Address 81B00044h
        ImgStart 81B00000, ImgLen 02429BAC LaunchAddr 81B00004
        Got EDBG_CMD_CONFIG, flags:0x00000000

        Download successful! image Start Address is 81B00004

        Windows CE Kernel for MIPS Built on Feb  8 2007 at 23:38:42
        AMD Alchemy Au1200/Db1200
        Cold Boot
        Using RTCTICK tick source
        BootArgs are at A00FFC00, SIG = 544f4f42
        Eshell Flags = 0x0, KitlTransport = 0x1
        Starting KITL over Ethernet
        LAN91C111: +OEMEthInit
        LAN91C111: MAC Addr:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF
        LAN91C111: Starting Auto NegotiationOEMInterruptConnect(BI=0x00000041 SI=17)
        KITL Ethernet interrupt mode. SYSINTR = 17
        LAN91C111: -OEMEthInit
        DeviceName: DB1200_65535
        MAC Addr: FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF
        Calling EdbgInitDHCP
        KITL using memory from 80006000 to 80026000
        Using SysIntr 17
        Sharing Ethernet using VMINI...
        VBridge:: built on [Jun 24 2004] time [18:28:39]
        VBridgeInit()...TX = [16384] bytes -- Rx = [16384] bytes
        Tx buffer [0xA3F73960] to [0xA3F77960].
        Rx buffer [0xA3F77980] to [0xA3F7B980].
        VBridge:: NK add MAC: [FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF]
        -OEMKitlInit (DB1200_65535)

        !Kitl buffer specified by OAL is not required, ignore...
        ApplyFilter: MULTICAST OFF
        ApplyFilter: BROADCAST OFF
        ApplyFilter: PROMISCUOUS OFF
        ApplyFilter: ALL_MULTICAST OFF

posted on 2008-06-19 10:05  Star.wang  阅读(932)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报