libxml2 多线程使用


Starting with 2.4.7, libxml2 makes provisions to ensure that concurrent threads can safely work in parallel parsing different documents. There is however a couple of things to do to ensure it:

  • configure the library accordingly using the --with-threads options
  • call xmlInitParser() in the "main" thread before using any of the libxml2 API (except possibly selecting a different memory allocator)



   (1) xmlCleanupParser()不能在线程中被调用,因为先结束的进程会把共享内存清除,接下来尚未结束的的线程就无法正确访问.

   (2) xmlCleanupParser()应该在主线程中被调用,在不再使用libxml2库时,一般在程序的出口处.

   这里需要注意一个问题,如果你无法确定其他用户是否还在使用libxml2库,那么就不要调用xmlCleanupParser(),因为这样最差的情况是浪费了一块内存,直至在程序结束时才能被收回,比起程序崩溃,这样的代价还是值得的.在mailing list中,作者也提到这样的方案.




  int main ( int argc, char **argv )
   //do library initialization at the beginning of the program
   //do other program initialization
    //start thread
   for (i = 0; i < num_threads; i++) {
      ret = pthread_create
   //do other program initialization
   //do library cleanup when the program ends up
   return 0;



posted on 2011-10-25 19:03  foreveryl  阅读(984)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报