



struct D
    char a;
    int b;
    char c;
    float d;
    char e;
    double f;
    char g;
    int h[20];
struct F
    double f;
    float d;
    int b;
    int h[20];
    char a;
    char c;
    char e;
    char g;
struct E
    int a;
    char b;
    char c;
int main()
    printf("size of struct D:%d\n",sizeof(struct D));
    printf("size of struct F:%d\n",sizeof(struct F));
    printf("size of struct F:%d\n",sizeof(struct E));
    printf("\nstruct D:\n");
    printf("   char a: %d\n",offsetof(struct D,a));
    printf("    int b: %d\n",offsetof(struct D,b));
    printf("   char c: %d\n",offsetof(struct D,c));
    printf("  float d: %d\n",offsetof(struct D,d));
    printf("   char e: %d\n",offsetof(struct D,e));
    printf(" double f: %d\n",offsetof(struct D,f));
    printf("   char g: %d\n",offsetof(struct D,g));
    printf("int h[20]: %d\n",offsetof(struct D,h));
    printf("     h[0]: %d\n",offsetof(struct D,h[0]));
    printf("     h[1]: %d\n",offsetof(struct D,h[1]));
    printf("    h[19]: %d\n",offsetof(struct D,h[19]));
    printf("%\nstruct F:\n");
    printf(" double f: %d\n",offsetof(struct F,f));
    printf("  float d: %d\n",offsetof(struct F,d));
    printf("    int b: %d\n",offsetof(struct F,b));
    printf("int h[20]: %d\n",offsetof(struct F,h));
    printf("     h[0]: %d\n",offsetof(struct F,h[0]));
    printf("     h[1]: %d\n",offsetof(struct F,h[1]));
    printf("    h[19]: %d\n",offsetof(struct F,h[19]));
    printf("   char a: %d\n",offsetof(struct F,a));
    printf("   char c: %d\n",offsetof(struct F,c));
    printf("   char e: %d\n",offsetof(struct F,e));
    printf("   char g: %d\n",offsetof(struct F,g));
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size of struct D:120
size of struct F:104
size of struct F:8

struct D:
   char a: 0
    int b: 4
   char c: 8
  float d: 12
   char e: 16
 double f: 24
   char g: 32
int h[20]: 36
     h[0]: 36
     h[1]: 40
    h[19]: 112

struct F:
 double f: 0
  float d: 8
    int b: 12
int h[20]: 16
     h[0]: 16
     h[1]: 20
    h[19]: 92
   char a: 96
   char c: 97
   char e: 98
   char g: 99

Process exited after 0.03223 seconds with return value 14
请按任意键继续. . .
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struct D 的内存分配形式(假定初始位置为100这里用0代替以此类推)






它们在结果所分配的时候从初始位置为零算起,必须能被它们在内存中所占的字节数整除,如 int 在占字节数是4的机器中就要求必须能够被4整除,double 所占字节为8位的话,那么就要能被8整除,如果前一个成员的紧接着的内存不满足这个条件,那么就把不符合的位置空出来,起到对齐的效果。同时从整个结构来看,如果整个结构中只有 char 类型那么结构所占的字节数就和成员个数相同,如果在结构中有 double 那么结构的最后必须能够被 double 所占的字节数整除(这里认为它是8),如果没有 只有 int ,float 等4字节的类型,那么结构所占字节就必须能够被4整数。


struct E
    double a;
    int b;
    char c;
    char d;
    char e;
    char f;
    char g;
int main()
    printf("size of struct E:%d\n",sizeof(struct E));
    printf("%d",offsetof(struct E,g));
size of struct E:24
Process exited after 0.03793 seconds with return value 2
请按任意键继续. . .


struct E
    char e;
    char f;
    char g;
int main()
    printf("size of struct E:%d\n",sizeof(struct E));
size of struct E:3

Process exited after 0.01826 seconds with return value 19
请按任意键继续. . .


struct E
    int a;
    char b;
    char c;
    char d;
    char e;
    char f;
int main()
    printf("size of struct E:%d\n",sizeof(struct E));
size of struct E:12

Process exited after 0.01588 seconds with return value 20
请按任意键继续. . .





在代码中我们用到了 offsetof 这个宏 ,它是在 stddef.h 头文件中定义的 #define offsetof(TYPE, MEMBER)  ,TYPE 是结构类型 MEMBER 是成员名,这个表达式的结构是一个 size_t 值,表示这个成员起始存储位置距离结构开始存储的位置的偏移的字节数。


posted @ 2017-07-31 22:30  灬F灬  阅读(277)  评论(4编辑  收藏  举报