


2 days summer vacation

There is a tradition in Japan that in summer during August and
September people can have several days without work.
Considering the project situcation, I only can have two days,
but it is enough for me because since I graduated from school
I haven't any holidays.

But in the two days I did nothing just rest .

I am very sorry to hear that one companion's father had a
gullet cancer,and will cost 10 thousands RMB to cure it.
I asked a friends who is studying Health and Nurse in New Zealand
that what's the reason for people to be taken cancer.she said the
reason is lifestyle、prssure and emotion.I think we should try to
let ourself happy whatever rich or poor.

I came to here - Japan almost three years ,exactly say, be dispatched.
Since this year I am looking forward to studying abroad in a English-Speaking
country.As a engineer in IT world,definitely english is very
important and the last technology of IT is also come from USA ,this
is one of the reasons and main one.
Now very morning I get up to read creazy english ,I have insisted on it for almost
one month ,I will try my best to keep on it.

What's wrong with me today , I wrote so many words.In a word I make a dicision that
I will update my blog everyday in english about events in my life in Japan

posted on 2004-08-10 17:05  flyinsky  阅读(728)  评论(2编辑  收藏  举报