SoftDevice Specification v1.2


S110 SoftDevice是蓝牙®低功耗(BLE)外设协议栈的解决方案。它集成了一个低 能量控制器和主机,并为建设蓝牙低功耗系统全面且灵活的API 芯片(SoC)解决方案。 本文件包含SoftDevice功能和性能信息。


 一、产品概述(Product overview)

1. SoftDevice

This section provides an overview of the S110 SoftDevice.The S110 SoftDevice is a pre-compiled and linked binary software implementing a Bluetooth 4.0 low energy (BLE) protocol stack on the nRF51822 chip. The Application Programming Interface (API) is a standard C language set of functionsand data types that give the application complete compiler and linker independence from the SoftDevice implementation. The SoftDevice enables the application programmer to develop their code as a standard ARM® Cortex™-M0 project without needing to integrate with proprietary chip-vendor software frameworks. This means that any ARM® Cortex™-M0 compatible toolchain can be used to develop Bluetooth low energy applications with the S110 SoftDevice.


               Figure 1 片上系统的应用与SoftDevice


2.Multiprotocol support

S110 SoftDevice支持非并发多协议的实现。这意味着一个专有 2.4 GHz的协议可以在应用程序区来实现。 当S110 SoftDevice被禁用的时候该协议可以访问所有的硬件资源

二、 蓝牙低功耗协议栈(Bluetooth low energy protocol stack)

蓝牙4.0标准的低功耗(BLE)主机和控制器嵌入在SoftDevice完全 合格与多角色支持(外设和播放)。该API是​​在上面定义的通用 属性协议(GATT),通用访问模式(GAP)和逻辑链路控制和适配协议 (L2CAP)。该SoftDevice允许应用程序实现标准蓝牙低功耗配置文件,以及 专有的用例的实现。 该nRF51软件开发工具包(SDK)完成与服务和个人资料的BLE协议栈 实现。芯片上的单模式系统(SoC)应用是由全BLE协议栈启用 和nRF51xxx的集成电路(IC)。





The BLE protocol stack in the SoftDevice has been designed to provide an abstract, but flexible, interface for application development for Bluetooth low energy devices. GAP, GATT, SM, and L2CAP are implemented in the SoftDevice and managed through the API. GAP and GATT procedures and modes that are common to most profiles, such as the handling of discoverability, connectability, pairing, and bonding, are implemented in the stack.


posted @ 2014-04-11 12:32  小丁^_^  阅读(541)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报