
在中文技术论坛是根本找不到制作软件启动屏幕画面的相关文章,像MS Word的启动界面的唯美风格,一直让很多程序员称羡。在我的播放器中也要做这么一个才过瘾。终于在 Microsoft 官方英文技术论坛上得到了一个好的制作方法,简单的要命啊:)
just set your form's FormBorderStyle to "None", set its back color to the color you want the 1 pixel border to be, and then add a panel at location (1,1) with a size of (form.width - 2, form.height - 2).  Anchor the panel on all 4 sides, and set its back color to whatever color you want the body of the loading screen to be.  Since it won't be movable or resizable by the user during runtime, you might also want to set the form's StartPosition to "CenterScreen".

原来因为我使用了VS自带的“关于”模板,所以在执行上述方法时总时不能达到预期效果,一定要使用一般的FORM才可以。 附上链接备忘:)

posted @ 2005-09-24 11:44  萍踪侠影  阅读(632)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报