Metasploit 设置日志级别,查看相关异常信息


在Metasploit 中设置日志级别,查看相关异常信息

Monitor the log file

In order to catch syntax errors or other issues when building Metasploit modules, you can monitor the log file.  In Backtrack, the log file is located at /root/.msf3/logs/framework.log


(assuming that you are running Metasploit as root)

If you want to increase (or decrease) the logging level, you can do this :

msf> setg LogLevel 3

This will set the LogLevel to 3 (all logging). If you set the logging to 0, then only default logging will be displayed in the log file.  LogLevel 3 will produce a lot of logging, so make sure to watch the filesize.

posted @ 2013-10-15 15:25  千娇百媚  阅读(294)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报