Golang bash脚本自动创建一个go工程







  1 #!/bin/bash
  2 #————————————–
  3 # Module : mk_go_pro.sh
  4 # Author : Blair Zhong
  5 # Created : 2013.07.23
  6 # Modify :
  7 # Version : 1.0
  8 # Useage : ./mk_go_pro.sh
  9 # ./mk_go_pro.sh porject_name
 10 # Description: 创建一个go可编译的工程
 11 #————————————–
 12 # 根据 Go语言学习园地博客的帖子编写,如有侵权请联系本人
 13 # http://blog.studygolang.com/2012/12/go项目的目录结构/
 14 # 默认情况下运行本程序,会生成如下目录和文件
 15 # test
 16 # ├── bin
 17 # ├── install.sh
 18 # ├── pkg
 19 # └── src
 20 # ├── config
 21 # │   └── config.go
 22 # └── test
 23 # └── main.go
 24 #
 25 # 5 directories, 3 files
 26 #
 27 # 其中:
 28 # 1, install.sh为安装文件,
 29 # 2, config.go为test项目的配置文件
 30 # 3, main.go这个你懂的
 31 # 生成完毕之后运行进入test目录,运行install.sh会生成如下文件和目录
 32 # ├── bin
 33 # │   └── test
 34 # ├── install.sh
 35 # ├── pkg
 36 # │   └── darwin_amd64
 37 # │   └── config.a
 38 # └── src
 39 # ├── config
 40 # │   └── config.go
 41 # └── test
 42 # └── main.go
 43 # 6 directories, 5 files
 44 #
 45 # 多了两个文件
 46 # 1, bin目录下的test,这个是可执行稳健
 47 # 2, pkg/darwin_amd64下的config.a,这个是config编译后产生的文件
 48 #
 49 # enjoy it!
 51 PWD=$(pwd)
 52 cd $PWD
 54 if [[ "$1" = "" ]]; then
 55 echo "Useage: ./mk_go_pro.sh porject_name"
 56 echo -ne "Please input the Porject Name[test]"
 57 read Answer
 58 if [ "$Answer" = "" ]; then
 59 echo -e "test";
 60 PRO_NAME=test;
 61 else
 62 PRO_NAME=$Answer;
 63 fi
 64 else
 65 PRO_NAME=$1;
 66 fi
 67 #创建目录
 68 echo "Init Directory …"
 69 mkdir -p $PRO_NAME/bin
 70 mkdir -p $PRO_NAME/pkg
 71 mkdir -p $PRO_NAME/src/config
 72 mkdir -p $PRO_NAME/src/$PRO_NAME
 74 #创建install文件
 75 echo "Create install/install.sh …"
 76 cd $PRO_NAME
 77 echo '#!/bin/bash' > install.sh
 78 echo 'if [ ! -f install.sh ]; then' >> install.sh
 79 echo "echo 'install must be run within its container folder' 1>&2" >> install.sh
 80 echo "exit 1" >> install.sh
 81 echo "fi" >> install.sh
 82 echo >> install.sh
 83 echo "CURDIR=\`pwd\`" >> install.sh
 84 echo "OLDGOPATH=\"\$GOPATH\"" >> install.sh
 85 echo "export GOPATH=\"\$CURDIR\"" >> install.sh
 86 echo >> install.sh
 87 echo "gofmt -w src" >> install.sh
 88 echo "go install $PRO_NAME" >> install.sh
 89 echo "export GOPATH=\"\$OLDGOPATH\"" >> install.sh
 90 echo >> install.sh
 91 echo "echo 'finished'" >>install.sh
 92 chmod +x install.sh
 94 #创建config.go文件
 95 echo "Create src/config/config.go …"
 96 cd src/config
 97 echo package config > config.go
 98 echo >> config.go
 99 echo func LoadConfig\(\) { >> config.go
100 echo >> config.go
101 echo } >> config.go
103 #创建main.go
104 echo "Create src/$PRO_NAME/main.go …"
105 cd ../$PRO_NAME/
106 echo "package main" > main.go
107 echo >> main.go
108 echo "import (" >> main.go
109 echo " \"config\"" >> main.go
110 echo " \"fmt\"" >> main.go
111 echo ")" >> main.go
112 echo >> main.go
113 echo "func main() {" >> main.go
114 echo " config.LoadConfig()" >> main.go
115 echo " fmt.Println(\"Hello $PRO_NAME!\")" >> main.go
116 echo "}" >> main.go
117 echo "All Done!"
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参考链接:http://blog.studygolang.com/2012/12/go%E9%A1%B9%E7%9B%AE%E7%9A%84%E7%9B%AE%E5%BD%95%E7%BB%93%E6%9E%84/   作者的评论在13楼





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