Java学习-030-JSON 之四 -- 判断 JSONObject 是否包含键值对
前文对获取 JSON 数据封装方法,使之可通过类似于 cssSelector 的方法获取 JSON 数据,使获取数据变得简单。敬请参阅:模仿 cssSelector 封装读取 JSON 数据方法。
在日常的测试中,需要验证 JSON 数据中某一个值是否正确,再次封装一个方法,验证 JSONObject 中是否包含特定的键值。
/** * Aaron.ffp Inc. * Copyright (c) 2004-2015 All Rights Reserved. */ package com.demo; import; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.jsoup.Jsoup; import org.jsoup.helper.StringUtil; import org.jsoup.nodes.Document; import org.testng.annotations.BeforeTest; import org.testng.annotations.Test; import org.testng.log4testng.Logger; /** * * @author Aaron.ffp * @version V1.0.0: Jsoup com.demo, 2015-8-31 19:03:15 Exp $ */ public class ITestHome { private String request = ""; private Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(this.getClass()); private String message = ""; private Document doc; private String test; /** * send request and get response * * @author Aaron.ffp * @version V1.0.0: Jsoup com.demo beforeTest, 2015-8-31 19:04:05 Exp $ * * @throws IOException */ @BeforeTest public void beforeTest() throws IOException{ this.doc = Jsoup.connect(this.request).data("appSource","android") .userAgent("Jsoup demo") .cookie("user", "Jsoup") .timeout(5000).get(); this.test ="body").get(0).text(); } /** * * * @author Aaron.ffp * @version V1.0.0: Jsoup com.demo test_isJSONObjectContainKV, 2015-9-2 20:24:56 Exp $ * * @throws IOException */ @Test public void test_isJSONObjectContainKV() throws IOException { System.out.println("\n\n==================================== test_isJSONObjectContainKV"); System.out.println("errno --> " + this.isJSONObjectContainKV(new JSONObject(this.test), "errno:0")); System.out.println("title:星星 --> " + this.isJSONObjectContainKV(new JSONObject(this.getJsonText(this.test, "$data|#floor|$1|#colmunInfo|$0")), "title:星星")); } /** * Assert the key-value exist or not in the JSONObject * * @author Aaron.ffp * @version V1.0.0: Jsoup com.demo isJSONObjectContainKV, 2015-9-2 20:05:18 Exp $ * * @param jsonObject : JSONObject * @param kv : key:value * * @return boolean */ public boolean isJSONObjectContainKV(JSONObject jsonObject, String key_value){ boolean flag = false; try{ if (jsonObject == null) { new NullPointerException("The argument {" + jsonObject + "} is null, please check this!"); return flag; } // assert key_value : null, empty, whitespace if (StringUtil.isBlank(key_value) || !"2".equals(String.valueOf(key_value.split(":").length)) || StringUtil.isBlank(key_value.split(":")[0]) || StringUtil.isBlank(key_value.split(":")[1])) { this.message = "The argument {" + key_value + "} is invalid, please check this!"; this.logger.warn(this.message); return flag; } String act = jsonObject.get(key_value.split(":")[0]).toString(); String exp = key_value.split(":")[1]; // assert the actual value is expected or not if (exp.equals(act)) { flag = true; } } catch (JSONException je){ this.message = je.getMessage(); this.logger.error(this.message); return flag; } return flag; } /** * Get JSON Object {JSONObject, JSONArray, text} by json selector * * @author Aaron.ffp * @version V1.0.0: Jsoup com.demo getJsonText, 2015-9-1 19:40:12 Exp $ * * @param json : JSON string * @param selector : JSON selector * $key|$key|#array|#int|$int|key * #key|#int * $key|#key|$int * key * * array|key : is illegal * key|$ : is illegal * key|# : is illegal * key|key : is illegal * @return */ public String getJsonText(String json, String selector){ JSONObject jo = null; JSONArray ja = null; String jsonText = ""; String item = ""; String flag = "O"; // O - JSONObject; A - JSONArray; T - text // arguments must not be null if (json == null || selector == null) { this.message = "The argument {" + json + "} and {" + selector + "} must be not null, please check this!"; this.logger.error(this.message); new IllegalArgumentException(this.message); } // return empty if the json is empty if ("".equals(json)) { return ""; } // return json if the selector is empty if ("".equals(selector)) { return json; } try{ jo = new JSONObject(json); String[] select = selector.split("\\|"); for (int i = 0; i < select.length; i++) { item = select[i]; // throw exception when selector against the rule if (flag.equals("T") || (flag.equals("A") && (!item.startsWith("O") || !item.startsWith("A") || !StringUtil.isNumeric(item.substring(1))))) { new IllegalArgumentException("The argument {" + selector + "} is invalid to the define rule of selector, please check this!"); } if (item.startsWith("#")) { // get JSONArray if (flag.equals("A")) { ja = ja.getJSONArray(Integer.valueOf(item.substring(1))); } else if (flag.equals("O")){ ja = jo.getJSONArray(item.substring(1)); } flag = "A"; } else if (item.startsWith("$")){ // get JSONObject if (flag.equals("O")) { jo = jo.getJSONObject(item.substring(1)); } else if (flag.equals("A")){ jo = ja.getJSONObject(Integer.valueOf(item.substring(1))); } flag = "O"; } else { // get text jsonText = jo.get(item).toString(); flag = "T"; } } } catch (JSONException jsone){ jsone.printStackTrace(); } switch (flag) { case "O": return jo.toString(); case "A": return ja.toString(); default: return jsonText; } } }
各位也可修改上述源码中的第 98 行,以满足不同方式的对比判断,例如:相等、包含、起始、结尾等。
至此, Java学习-030-JSON 之四 -- 判断 JSONObject 是否包含键值对 顺利完结,希望此文能够给初学 Java 的您一份参考。
最后,非常感谢亲的驻足,希望此文能对亲有所帮助。热烈欢迎亲一起探讨,共同进步。非常感谢! ^_^
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